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*NO* Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 'Song of Storms'

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Hey, It's me, The Graceful Failure with a new Zelda

64: Ocarina Of Time remix.

The tune is "The Song Of Storms", hence the name,

"Dance of Storms". The song is named already and the

ID3v1 and v2 tags changed.

(edit: graceful failure says this is the new URL. He also says if it's accepted he wants it credited to "djcubez" - analoq)

That's the link to the song, please tell me if it

doesn't work so I can change the host.

Now about the song. It's a dance version of the song

of storms and sticks to the tune. However, what I did

to it was shorten up the lead a bit. It's more dance

and techno then trance, which was it's original genre.

I put in a TS404 synth and a square synth for the

lead. The songs title is already in

"Dance_of_Storms_OC_ReMix" and the credit goes to "The

Graceful Failure". I hope that's all I need to

include! Thanks a lot.

Joe Lloyd

"The Graceful Failure"


It's not bad at all, but I think you picked a bad song to remix in that the original didn't have very much to it at all. That frankly explains why from the 2:00 mark up to the end (5:12), it's the same short melody of the original over and over. I think that you probably could have taken a few more liberties with the melody (transposing, adding to it, etc.) to have made it more interesting than it is here, and because of that, I'm going to say


But other than that it sounds nice.


I think the cymbal is too loud compared to the other instruments, but other than that, it's quite a good mix. It has repetitive elements to it, but there are enough drop outs and variations to counter that, especially considering the genre. I'm saying





Cymbols are too loud.

tooo much repeatinginginginginging.

I've heard this song before. This mix sounds like it really lessened the melody and simplified it.

The crash is SO annoying now. The lead synth sounds very out of tune. The detunage is taken to an extreme. This kinda detuning works as an effect, but not as a lead.

Work on arrangement and cut the cymbol down



WAY too much of the same thing over and over and over again. Nothing wrong with making a long song out of a short theme, but let's do it tastefully. MUCH more variation would be required for something like this. Though I do like how you changed it from the original 3/8 to 4/4.



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