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OCR00962 - *YES* Super Mario Bros. 'Water Main'

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Hello! My name is Brad Smith, I previously submitted a Super

Mario Bros remix that you gave the title "AquaticInterlude". Today I have completed another Super Mario Bros. remix, this time of the underground level music. I call it "Water Main".

The file is 1.81MB and is available at:

I've tried to arrange the filename and ID3 tags in an identical fashion to how you ended up formatting my previous remix, so it should be ready to go.

Thanks if you can let me know if and when this goes up.

-- Brad


ok satriani...

No seriously, I can see this ending up on Kazaa as

Joe Satriani - Mario Underground Theme.mp3

Anyway, this is high quality and well played, though pretty damn short, but I suppose that's ok too in this case. Interesting to see how you took a 4/4 song and turned it into 6/8. Good stuff



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