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*NO* Advance Wars: Dual Strike 'Midnight Skirmish' *RESUB*

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Original Decision: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13185

Remixer names - Theory of Nonexistence, Ninja Sausage

Real name - Dustin Lagaly, unknown

Email - omfgitsdustin@gmail.com, unknown

userID - 19501, unknown

Game remixed - Advance Wars: Dual Strike

Song remixed - Green Earth

Composer - Yoshito Hirano


my remix: http://ton.escariot.net/songs/remixes/MidnightSkirmish(edit2).mp3

Hey again. Seeing as I wasn't really getting anywhere on my own, I decided to enlist the help of one (1) Ninja Sausage for production help and fresh ideas. It proved to be a very good idea. I personally think this version a lot better than my last submission. Ninja Sausage only had this to say:

"I like production :)"

...I think that sums it up pretty well. Enjoy


you can leave the link in


Whoever knew a ninja sausage would help lift this up to a higher level?

Advance Wars: Dual Strike (Game Rip) - 31 "Green Earth Theme"

The :29 section was OK, but still felt empty. The sequenced mallet percussion at :41 sounded pretty mechanical and lo-fi. Besides the key change and lead change at 2:00, I would have probably done something melodically different compared to the previous iteration of the theme, since it felt repetitive/underdeveloped.

But yeah, this could still use some work in terms of making the textures fuller and not leaving so much empty space behind. The thin electrosynth leads you had sounded rather pasted on top of the soundscape and didn't really feel like they were in the same soundscape as the background. Despite those issues, the production was indeed much better.

I wish I could give you more specifics on the production, because the arrangement was still fairly solid. Hopefully some other Js can make specific suggestions on how to flesh this out for a fuller sound, so that you can lift up a fairly solid/creative arrangement via better execution. I think it's still worth working on as long as you don't overthink it. It doesn't need an overhaul.

NO (resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

Love the opening, but I think at 0:18 the glitches and bass don't quite hit as hard as they should. At 0:29, this problem continues and the instruments you use don't fill out the soundscape enough. That's the biggest problem here. I think some boosts in the upper ranges on some of the percussive elements would make this sound less muted, but you may need some fatter sounds in the lower ranges too. I too felt the percussive mallet added at 0:41 was stiff, a little unsuited for the song, and unrealistic in how fast it played. The organ brought in later had similar problems. However, the lead brought in at 0:53 and 1:47 fit well. I'd say if you're going with fast, rhythmic playing, stick with synths because otherwise it sounds unrealistic and breaks the flow.

The quiet piano section was a cool addition that was executed well, but I might suggest filtering the snare lower for a really heavy backbeat sound.

All in all, good work, but it needs some fine-tuning. I'd love to hear another version if you guys are willing to rework it.

NO (resubmit)

  • 4 weeks later...

Hi tharr Dustin!

Right from the intro you realize that this doesn't have the most sophisticated synthetic textures. While they work somewhat they sound thin and leaves a lot to be desired. I agree with Palp and Larry that the mallet percussion and organ is played too fast to sound human at all, if you tried some interesting synths you might achieve better results. The main problem here is how thin and "flat" your sounds sound. The fact that it's so obviously sequenced also keeps real instruments from working in this setting.

The key change works and makes the listener go 'oh! change!' which is always good. The quiet piano section was cool but I would've appreciated something other than a fade-out of the rest of the song. It's a minor complaint though.

While the arrangement is cool you should really try to adapt the instrumentation to the arrangement and then make sure the production up to par. I still think this is awesome so if you fix this it's bound to be YES'd.


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