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My first submission. Oh boy oh boy oh boy :D.

Song info:


-Game: Doom

-Song: E1M8, "Sign of Evil"


Asphyxiated Soul was the first video game remix I ever did, back in 2004, I believe. It was probably my most popular remix and I had the idea recently to re-record it (as the production on the original was so bad I couldn't listen to it.) The choruses are gritty, and while I think the production's decent enough, the guitar sound is intentionally grating and dissonant (although that chord progression was never going to be nice). The overall effect of the song is supposed to be disturbing, consistent with the tone of the game.



Salvation doth weigh


Thy shoulders, flayed


This feast of decay


For the light of day

Sign of evil in this

godforsaken hole

Severed emotion from thy

asphyxiated soul



(repeat chorus)


-Remixer name: Kadmium

-Real name: Jesse Higginson

-Email address: kadmium@gmail.com

-Website: http://www.myspace.com/kadmiumstudios

-Forum User ID: 24068

Thank you,



http://www.doom2.net/~doomdepot/music/doom%201%20&%202%20midis.zip - Doom: E1M8 (Sign of Evil)

Jesse, what the hell took you so long? :lol: Hahahaha, damn, this one was dark concept.

Arrangement-wise, this was fairly solid. The vocals were cool, and I was liking the overall style. The spoken word parts above cutting off someone's head...wow. :lol: But yeah, that's some scary shit, I'm feeling it; we've definitely never had anything like that around here, in terms of embracing dark imagery.

Where I thought this needed some work was on the production side. Not even too much, as I thought the guitars and vocals were handled well. Couple of issues - the some of the note movements opening vox felt very robotic and exposed [e.g. :05, :11 & :18] to start things off, which was fairly minor.

The drums brought in at :48 were pretty flimsy-sounding. The other killer was at 1:42 when you brought the drums back. At both times, the sequencing just sticks out as fake, particularly on the main snare shot in the pattern, and the sound was too dry. I don't think you need to change the writing on those areas at all, just get them better integrated into the track with some production tweaks. I'd love another J to recommend how to give them a richer sound or couch the kit better in the soundscape. Once you fix those issues up, everything will be clicking on all cylinders, and I'd be YESing this extremely easily. (Just noting I had no issue with the machine gun drums at 3:49, even though the soundscape was a bit cramped.)

Jesse, what in place here is generally awesome, and I've always liked your unique style in the community. And I don't mean unique in a backhanded way as in "weird and shitty". We get enough weird and shitty submissions and this isn't one of them. Just touch up these percussion issues for the win so we can get this posted!

NO (borderline/refine/resubmit)

  • 2 weeks later...

Wow, I love this arrangement, and this is pretty much as far out of my element as you get. The switch between the quiet, reverbed parts and the loud parts is awesome. Excellent use of non-musical effects in the background of the quiet parts to set an incredibly creepy tone. The first chorus (er, loud section) is a little abrupt but that's the only thing I would change. Drum writing works fine for me.

But the mixing... you're killing me! Those drums sound so tiny next to the guitar. I'm not sure you'd have to do anything more than up the volume (especially on the snare) and fiddle with EQ a little to make everything sit ok. It really hurts the song, unfortunately, because that's the climax. Please please please fix it and resubmit this, Jesse!

NO (resubmit)


I can't find anything named 'Sign of Evil' for the life of me so I'm going with E1M8 Phobos Anomaly, seems about right.

Dark. Like, really dark. The arrangement was interesting. I especially enjoyed the thick layer of loud guitars switching into the quiet part like there's no tomorrow. Pretty much all the voices click with me, both lyrics-wise and how they are performed, except maybe the growling. I have to admit I'm not a growling fan, but this is just too dark and low for me. It's not a dealbreaker however since it obviously matches the mood.

The production is what's holding this back though. The drums lack power and they're mechanically sequenced. You should look into some better, meatier samples and compress the whole kit quite a bit to get them punchy and nice. It shouldn't be that hard though. I did think the violin/viola/whatever could've been a bit more reverbed but that's quite a personal opinion.

As it is now, the drums are enough for me to give it red light. But please do rework them because this is something unique that we'd certainly like to see on OCR.


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