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FL 7 and MPD24

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Hey there everybody, Im trying out FL and need some help with the FPC. What setting do I have to alter in order to in speed up the play back when i use the MPD24. The response time from when I hit the pad and hearing the drum seems slow. I want to tweak it so it sounds more natural. Sorry if im unclear or using the wrong terms I just started this a few weeks ago, thanks.

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This actually has nothing to do with FPC, it's general latency, it's something most beginners probably haven't heard of, so you aren't alone in this. Go to your audio settings (Tools>audio settings) then try to find something that says "Audio Buffer" or "show audio panel" or something like that (changes depending on sound card) go to that if you can find it and lower the audio buffer, it should have a reading in milliseconds somewhere. The number of milliseconds is how long it will take for input from your midi controller to actually play in the program, however, the lower the buffer is, the worse quality the sound will be. Most people with good computers and soundcards can manage around 10 ms without much or any loass in sound, but if you notice clicks or pops, or the underrun counter (also on the settings window) starts counting up, then you might want to increase the buffer a little. Hope this wasn't too confusing.

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also, it helps if you're using ASIO sound drivers in stead of your default one. Try ASIO4ALL. It's free.


After you install it, press F10 to get back to your audio settings and select it as your sound driver. There you can select how large you want the buffer to be. You typically want the buffer to be as large as you need to avoid your audio output sounding like crap, but as low as possible to avoid the latency issues Zephyr mentioned.

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Awesome, thanks for the help. I just started tweeking the latency setting and noticing an improvement. Oh and another quick question. How would I go about creating and saving a custom kit on the FPC? I got some drum files that didnt come with FL and I would like to mix those in and be able to instantly retrieve them.

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Just choose a pad for the new sample, delete the existing samples, load in your own (via drag and drop browser or the open dialog box) then set velocity settings etc. repeat for each pad you want to change, (or just start with an empty preset) now click on the arrow in the top left of the plugin window, and find the option "save preset" choose where you want it, and name it. Now when you load the preset, your samples will pop up with the same settings.

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