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Okay, so I want to make a mix to put on bLiNd's get-well album. Unfortunately, until July 26 I'm 8 hours away from my home, which has my instruments and controller. I tried setting up FL Studio, but my computer's on the verge of collapsing and doesn't cooperate with anything more intense than gaming or CD ripping.

So I downloaded Audacity and figured I'd make a very very rough a capella mix (of Ridley's theme, no less). It would be silly and I think (hope) bLiNd would enjoy it.

Now I think I understand why Audacity isn't discussed around here. I have not found ways to perform even basic tasks like moving audio clips around or snapping to a grid. Of the few links which worked on the help page, they all pointed to simple, meaningless tasks I had no use for. Can anyone give me enough information to complete this track?

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I used to use Audacity a while ago!

I don't think you can snap to a grid, it's very analogous. As for moving clips around, I think I remember there being a tool up in the top left corner, it's an arrow pointing both left and right. I think that might help you out with at least THAT.

I don't remember a lot, but if you have any more particularly specific questions, I might be able to help...

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