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I am using the XML file I made in this (now closed) thread(http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=17430) to make an extension for songbird. It started out that I was going to make a new media player to incorporate my idea, but after thinking and after I started the UI design, I thought it was silly to make a whole new media player people would have to "switch to" just to make my idea work. So I decided to make a plugin of sorts for one of my favorite media players. I use Winamp, amaroK, and songbird, so I looked to these for options to write a plugin. After looking at them, despite the fact I'm not confortable in Javascript, it looked like songbird was the best due to the "extension" idea it used from Firefox. So now, I give you the first pre-alpha of my extension for those curious. I must say, though, due to djpretzel's worry about spidering(which I understand from my own server which I am sure dies under much less stress the ocremix.org), there will be no update to the extension's list it checks against untill djpretzel gets his database ready. Currently, the extension will check your library of music to see how many of the songs on ocremix.org you have in your library. It will eventualy tell you which songs you are missing and then show you ways to get the songs you are missing.(either bittorrent if over 50 or HTML if under) I'm sure there are lots of bugs and fun things to smash, so please let me know if you come across a problem.



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