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1st post, 1st remix, just bought fruityloops 2 weeks ago and this is what is coming out of it. I know people here can give invaluable comments so thank you in advance for your time.

1ST Version


2ND version



I don't know much about remixing (or critiquing =P), but for someone with such limited experience in a program, I think that sounded excellent. The very beginning was kind of dull but it quickly got much better. Keep it up.


Drums and ambience... Yeah, for a self-proclaimed newb it's great, tho I get the feeling you've done a fair share of music before this, in other apps or in rl.

My crits would mostly be opinions rather than musical standard. The one technical criticism I could give you is the volume. You might be able to squeeze in a dB or two by using a multiband compressor or limiter, preferably the former.

The 1:48 section differs too much imo, the transition could be smoother, the section use some more pad width, something to keep it the same track. Overall, you've got a pretty consistant soundscape, but that one transition is too sharp for my liking.

You could use some more substance. It takes about a third of the track to get into the track itself, which is a little too much, even for this genre. The source can be heard at 0:52, but you could use some more before then. Inserting a more clear version of the second melody in the first half minute would clear up the source usage more and prepare the listener for the second melody at 1:48. Be subtle.

I'm a little bothered by how ticky the hihats sound, you could drop some of their mid frequencies, scan for the right one. Don't overdo it, tho.

The progression is a little difficult to follow, mostly due to the 1:48 transition. Everything up 'til then was just fine imo, and everything after that works too, tho the ending feels a bit abrupt.

Overall, this is the stuff that I'd give a RESUB for if I was a judge, but I'm not, and the J's probably have more crits should you submit it. See what other people say about it before submitting, but know that if it's not already there it's not far from the level OCR accepts.

  • 3 weeks later...

Dunno what I was thinking when commenting on the hats last post. The ticky hihats are annoying. Apply reverb, raise release, do something to reduce the tickyness of them.

Also, the 1:48 section sounds much better here. Good edit.

The main concern I have with this now is the repetition. While it's something of a staple of the genre, it's not a necessity. See if you can vary the melodic content, perhaps also the chord progression.

Still on what I think is resub-level.

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