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Remixer - jinn

Real Name - Bryan deLeon

E-mail - shinkoshiraigaa@hotmail.com

Game - Chrono Trigger

Song - Undersea Palace

Comment - There's a static sound @ 1:57. That was intentional [its an old record player] The title 'Undersea Vibes' comes from the vibraphone that I used in the song, but when I recorded them I didn't turn them on so there's no vibrato effect. My bad.


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Undersea Palace" (ct-308.spc)

The recording quality was a little too much on the lo-fi side, and parts ended up bleeding into each other too much, particularly during the triple guitars from 1:38-1:57.

I liked the instrumentation choices, but the execution here was too sloppy, particularly on the guitar soloing. I don't mind a loose playing style, but at times it was arguably too loose. Badass effects from 1:10-1:19 though. The acoustic stuff at 1:57 with the vinyl sounds was a cool concept but not explored at all.

The backing patterns were also too repetitive, and I wasn't feeling some of them being lifted wholesale from the original; I would have rearranged those a bit just to add some personalization to this.

More interpretation and fleshing out the arrangement further is what the doctor ordered.



Interesting instrumentation. Not a fan of the bass-sound though, sounds lo-fi and strange, what is that anyway? As Larry said the execution is quite sloppy, especially on the guitar side. Practice makes perfect here. Overall a lo-fi sound on the guitars too and quite an ugly distortion, sounds like a cheap digital distortion unit or just bad recording. Cool FX-usage as 1:10 indeed, that's a creative. The acoustic guitar sounded a bit flimsy but it was a nice touch with vinyl crackle.

As Larry pointed out, the backing was really repetitive and it hurts the track a lot. Try varying stuff up both in terms of chords and patterns to make it interesting. The track ends quite abruptly and could use a better ending. The arrangement in general could use some more interpretation of the source and could be fleshed out.

You have some interesting ideas, now you just have to get it all to the next level. Good luck with your next submission.



I thought the overall concept wasn't fleshed out enough. There's a lot of reliance on the same backing patterns, with all the major changes in the guitar. It also feels a little short, given the small amount of variation. The tuba-like bass sound was offputting, and I also felt the guitar tuning and some of the bell notes were off, giving it a queasy sound. Otherwise, there's a lot of good going for this mix. Cool percussion and instrumentation, decent playing, and a nice dropout section. I like the ending too, it'd be cool to see that expanded and not end so abruptly.

I thought the recording was too lo-fi and the mixing was a little cluttered. If you can spotlight the leads a little better by cutting away from the background instruments, it would be stronger.

Some cool ideas, but a lot of problem areas too. Give it another shot.


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