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Sonic the Hedgehog: Triple Trouble 'Sunset Park Zone (Act 3) Goa-Mix'


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Goa? Not so much; I remember Goa being much more aggressive and powerful.

On the arrangement side...I feel that you aren't using enough of the source tune; a little more sunset park zone (varied up a bit, that is) would be nice. As is, most of the track is fairly monotonous. Not to a degree where it becomes annoying (after all, it's trance), but there is some monotony.

The first few seconds of the breakdown are too quiet; do something with it.

Nice ending, btw.

Overall, I'd say keep working on it. What you have so far is enjoyable, but you need to do some more work to get this to a really good level. Gonna keep it anyway.

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I put it in the bg while talking on irc. Thought it had been playing for forever when only 3 mins had passed. Hadn't noticed any change in it worth noticing.

The processing is a little on the light side, you could clear stuff up. I'm not hearing a pad or anything else to cover some od the mid ranges. The bass it getting annoyingly repetitive.

The intro sounds out of synch. It's a neat psychological effect, but you might want to punctuate the start better. The ending seems by far unsuited. The melodic content, instrumentation, everything is different. There's no hint of any of that earlier in the track.

The track itself doesn't seem to progress. It gets started, and then it's just a repetition+/-layer kind of progression, which isn't much of a progression. Variation makes it more interesting, so have different chord progressions, different instruments, just... vary it more. 3 mins of pretty much the same throughout is not gonna get on OCR without a serious overhaul. Despite being trance, it's way to repetitive.

I'm not gonna comment on source, as Martin already pointed out there was too little of it and not enough interpretation of it.

It does have a good sound, the instrumentation is cohesive and the track does sound like a lot of effort was put into it. I recommend spending a few days of partial rewriting, tho. Wthe the exception of the bass drum not quite sounding powerful enough (or is just drowning in the bass' bass), production sounds decent. Hats are a little high, bass a little too heavy on the lows... Listen to some other works and compare those kinds of things and you should hear what to fix.

So, production is decent, writing isn't. Could be so much better with only some rewriting and production tweaks.

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