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Remixer : Nubbin

Real name : August Sargenti

E-mail Address: Nubbinownz@gmail.com

Website: Myspace.com/AugustSargenti

userid : 23778

Submission Info,

Game : Final Fantasy 6

Song Arranged: Epitaph


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff6 - "Epitaph" (ff6-309.spc)

The arrangement had some personalization, but overall wasn't very melodically interpretive IMO. I also felt the effects made things a bit too muddy, though I did like the idea behind the atmosphere.

The chorus at 2:01 felt too empty, and I felt the beatwork sounded stapled on top. It wasn't poorly written, but didn't have much synergy with the other instrumentation. 2:50-3:31 felt like too much of a retread. The resolution at 3:53 didn't sound quite right to me, but I'd like a second opinion.

This is going in the right direction but needs more interpretation and substance to fully realize the concept's potential.

NO (resubmit)


Pretty nice mood to this. While the rhythmic alterations are pretty cool the patterns basically repeat over and over again with melodic content very much like the source. Some more interpretation wouldn't have hurt, like Larry said. I also agree with the effects muddying up the soundscape even though the idea was cool.

I think the beats are very cool. However they seem a bit out of place in the mix. Processing parts of the drums with the same reverb as another instrument can help glue stuff together. I didn't think this was a very big issue though. Most instruments could use a little bit more high-frequency content though. The resolution at 3:53 does indeed sound a tad strange, finishing at the same chord you started is a good idea. It let's the listener feel they've finally come home again.

My main problem is the lack of variation and melodic interpretation, much like Larry. I do however like the general feel of this and I believe you're on the right way. Try varying up the chords and melody from time to time, maybe a beat break with some even more advanced drumwriting since that seems to be your forte. Evolve the source more melodically and I think this could pass.



I like your concept here a lot. Great atmosphere and textures even though the instruments are very standard. The opening piano reminds me quite a bit of Moby, who also manages to create interesting textures out of ordinary instruments. I liked the melodic interpretation in the intro, but I felt that dried up as the song went along. After 1:01, the melody played very close the original and relied on the same patterns too much. I'd like to see a little more variation there. The changes you have in the backing instruments are good. I thought the overall soundscape was a little thin and could have used a low-bass sound and maybe some high frequency sounds to round it out.

The drums did feel disconnected from the rest of the piece. I think a little bit of reverb would let them sink in. I also wouldn't have minded seeing new percussion get added as the song went along for variety.

This is pretty close to a pass in my opinion, but not quite there. If you take a look at what we've said and tighten it up, I think this could definitely pass.

NO (resubmit)

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