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Remixers: The Joker, 2p

Real Name: David L. Puga, Phil (I feel bad I don't know his last name)

Websites: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/pagemusic.cfm?bandID=441573

Forum #: 2p 4968

ReMix Info

Song Title: Solace ()

Game: Zelda Ocarina of Time (or whichever Zelda game you want)

Orig Song: Main Menu theme ()


The Joker - So, a while back, I was playing Minish Cap, & it reminded me of how awesome the select theme music was. I loaded up FL & started playing around with the melody, hoping to make a trip hop song, but quickly scrapped the idea. Why, you might ask, well silly billy, because I realized it would make a killer hip hop track. So, yeah, I ended up making it hip hop, albeit alternative hip hop, what with the orchestral swells & what not. Then decided that I needed a vocalist, & Phil stepped up, which was awesome.

This was 2 years ago, give or take a few months. Things kept coming up, & it was put on the back burner. Then, by chance, I loaded up the flp file & started using what I had learned over that 2 years (give or take). Contacted Phil, & he was still down with doing it, & we started down the finish line, refining both the instrumental & vocals. And I'm damned proud we did!

2p - I wrote the lyrics and performed them for this ReMix. The lyrics are in general about appreciating the people in your life that make you happy to be alive, and are told through the eyes of a university student living off campus. I wrote this at the beginning of my junior year, a year in which I was always busy and always tired. Sometimes you get overwhelmed or weighed down by school or work or whatever, but if you can just step away from it all with some good friends occasionally, then often you may feel like you got your footing right again and you're ready to keep it pushing. That's what these lyrics are about.


http://www.zophar.net/download_file/12209 - (40) "Great Fairy's Fountain"

Cool to hear from ChloroPhil (aka 2P) again. "Duckbreaka" is the shit.

I hate to be so blunt, but this is mixed like crap. It sounds way too rough as is, with everything muddy and lo-fi. When Phil's vocals came in at :12, the music was immediately drowned down.

I mean, I like what's here. Arrangement-wise, no issues, plus I thought Phil's lyrics and vocal performance were fine. It won't be everyone's cup of tea on the panel, but I thought the synergy was there in spades and wouldn't mess with a thing there. Just clean up the soundscape and let the different parts occupy their own space. Pester whoever you need to get it done, but do it so that you learn how to do it yourself.

NO (resubmit)


Oh man....I love the arrangement and creativity in this track. On that alone it's an easy YES, but like Mr. Oil said, this thang is mixed like a turd in your smoothie. The track is way too loud, there's distortion all over the place. Aside from that, the upper midrange frequencies 2kHz< are way too loud. need more ass. Please work on the mix then resub, cause this is a great idea.



This kinda caught me off-guard in a good way. Moar rap plz.

So yeah, the mixing is not great. The voice pushes the background down a few dBs for sure! I know it's hard to work with voice, I'm a whole lot of suck at it myself, but try to work with the compression on the voice instead of just making it really loud and compressing everything at the master output. Work with the levels without any kind of mastering and then master it to give it that extra oompfh.

Now go fix this, because the rest was cool. Though, I didn't really like the strings because of the long release and reverb-pool it's not a major issue, just something I'd appreciate if you looked at. The vocal performance was ace most of the time, no need for re-records. So.. fix mixing and let's get posting remix.


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