djpretzel Posted May 17, 2003 Posted May 17, 2003 I sent the remix way back in July, and haven't recieved any word about it one way or another since. I've since spent hours fine-tuning the piece so it comes together far smoother than before, especially the drums. I've reuploaded it, and hope for a more prompt response. Thank you, -Panthera
Malcos Posted May 17, 2003 Posted May 17, 2003 I don't like what's happening with the kick here, it gets louder, then quieter... Is it on a flanger? Some synths suddenly come in really loud, too loud, and all the notes are extremely short, this sounds like a chiptune even when I know that strictly speaking it isn't. This is just not for OC IMO. NO
Vig Posted May 21, 2003 Posted May 21, 2003 quite repetitive. once again, NO HARMONY TO SPEAK OF! i will NOT vote yes on a mix that has such a blatant lack of depth or texture. this just doesnt offer anything new or interesting. NO
Israfel Posted June 6, 2003 Posted June 6, 2003 Suffers from a few problems in my opinion: Some synths seem too loud and overpower the other voices Generally too repetitive Some of the synths (like at :24) are a bit too grating on the ears I'll have to give this one a NO
m68030 Posted June 13, 2003 Posted June 13, 2003 Wow. that's pretty damn quirky right there. At :30, this is already got a NO vote, based on what I've scanned of the other judging results. So.. feedback.. hm. Drums are painfully static. Changes in dynamics and rythym would make a big difference. The synths used are a crime against digital audio... I dont even know what to say about the arragement.... I'm suprised this is even on the judging forums. This seems like a form rejection letter submition to me. NO
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