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Not often that I get to post here in Non-Remixes. But tonight's a little special. It's the first original WiP that I'm actually happy to share. It's called "The Project", though that's a working title. I thought I might procure some feedback on it. It's only one minute and four seconds in length, but it'll become longer eventually. I thought about dubbing some rap lyrics over it, but I need to write those up yet.

On this track I used synth1 (presets brastring and Solo Synth, audjoo_helix (preset JN_Gated), Analog Warfare (preset DnB HP Bass 2), FPC (presets Jungle Time and HipScratch 4).

Please keep in mind I'm new to music production, I'm still learning, and this is part of the experience portion. So please be fair in your opinions on it. I think it's actually pretty good considering my beginner/novice skill level.

Anyway, that's all for now. Here's the link: http://www.williammichael.net/music/original_wips/the_project_sketch1.mp3


I've been playing with the project a bit today, and taking Beatdrop's advice, I decided to play with percussion a little, added some new hits with a couple of hats, a rim shot that sounds like a cross between finger snapping and clapping, as well as a Lead section comprised of two synth1s (both preset to Saw Lead).

Find it here: http://www.williammichael.net/music/original_wips/the_project_sketch1.mp3

Believe it or not, I'm almost tempted to turn it into a remix of a track from Super Mario World, because I think it'd work. Anyway, feedback = win.

So I've been working on it since I've been home again, and here are two more sketches. I won't be uploading any more until I have more than just the first minute and a half. So check back often.



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