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*NO* Final Fantasy Mystic Quest 'Where All Things End'

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Here is a submission for putting up on ocremix.org. A guest artist that performs a guitar solo on the track is placed in CC:. It rocks quite a bit, so if the judges have specific tastes, it would probably be more pleasing to the thrash/gothic/power-metal inclined. :)

Link to submission:

Name of submission: Where All Things End

Contact information:

ReMixer name: 8-Bit Metal

Real name: Dominic Arsenault

Email address: dominic@le-ludophile.com

Website: http://www.myspace.com/8bitmetal

Collaborator info:

ReMixer and Real name: Mitchell Emmen

Email address: videogameguitarist@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.myspace.com/videogameguitarist7

Submission information:

Name of game: Final Fantasy Mystic Quest

Name of song: Doom Castle

Link to original soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGj80_DLZ3w&feature=related

Link to MIDI file of the original song, pretty faithful, and probably less precarious than a Youtube! link:

Thanks for the consideration and cheers,



http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ffmq - "Last Castle" (ffmq-24.spc)

Yeah, I commented on this whole album back when I first found out about it on the boards.

Man those are some super rough vocals. I don't know if the others are being too nice or just don't wanna call it straight up, but the vocals are almost never in key with the music. They really mess this up and prevent the tracks from clicking.

As instrumentals, the concept is pretty damn cool. A couple of things (e.g. trying to create a brass-like sound in "Saving the World Barechested") sounded weird, but the overall execution of the instrumentals was pretty solid. But the vocal execution drags it way down. Not to be mean, but you clearly can't tell how off your vocals sound.

For this one, the mixing came off too rough and abrasive. The vocals at :40 were off-key and swallowed in mud by the instrumentation. The arrangement was too straightforward, almost MIDI rip-ish. More structural and melodic interpretation would have been great.

The textures were loud but thin; stuff like the uh...piano(?) at 1:49 had no body/depth to it. You relied too much on Mitchell's guitar work to flesh this out; his stuff was fairly good and gave this some edge, but can't carry the entire soundscape.

The vocals at 3:36 were brutal. I don't wanna shit on this, because from your website, this is clearly a labor of love. But this is just not put together well at all. The sounds were poorly balanced the whole time, and you're unaware that you cannot sing well. :'-( The concept of 8-bit metal is cool and you have solid enough ideas on how to adapt real instruments to an 8-bit sound, but the overall execution was weak thanks to the poor mixing and off-key singing.



Basically just echoing everything Larry said. Very rough sound overall, and it wasn't far from the original, at least for nearly the first two minutes. There needs to be more substantive interpretation like you have later on - the 1:39 section and the soloing that follows it. The vocals get really off-key and those sections are weak in comparison. Your voice doesn't need to sound professional or anything, but you've at least got to sing the right notes.

I realize you're going for an 8-bit sound but some of these sounds are awful. The drums sound even thinner than NES sounds. Some bass presence would give this much more of a groove. The mixing also makes everything blend together. It's hard to make out the different instruments, it sounds flat.

Sorry for getting a little harsh here, but you've got a lot of room for improvement. Keep working on your stuff. You've got good ideas but you need to learn how to execute them better.



I'm going to echo a lot of what Vinnie and Larry already brought up but they are all valid points. It's rather close to the source, the vocals are off-key a lot, the instruments lack depth (drums especially) and the mix is very very cluttered.

The concept of 8-bit metal is quite fun, I give you that. You have to polish your singing skills, arrangement and production to make it pass though.


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