djpretzel Posted June 7, 2003 Posted June 7, 2003 Hi djP! bLiNd here. BOOOY have i got something for you!! Here is a description that you can include in the review, if accepted "I noticed not much coverage of F-zero for the SNES. I started out with a little port town remix and it built up to the point where I wanted to remix the ENTIRE SOUNDTRACK! A total of 2 months production time (50-60 hours) was spent making this remix. It was so big I had to split it into 2 parts (to be under the 6 meg limits) All of the tracks are mixed together DJ style so transitions are smooth. Trust me, you guys wont be disappointed." Anyway, i really hope you give me a highly recommended hehe. (SOO MANY HOURS OF WORK IN THIS MIX!!) not sure how you will set it up (2 seperate reviews for part 1 and 2 or both on one page?) but here are the links [baleted] HOPE YOU LIKE IT MAN!! peace -jordan
Vig Posted June 7, 2003 Posted June 7, 2003 i'll divide this into segments. intro: very good. smooth, sounds great. first song: i really wish the lead synth were different. as it is, it sounds too similar to the harmony synths. second song; same problem. synths all to similar. cool wind noises. third song: nice drums. very nice. ack...still that same one synth sound. i'm starting to think this song would benefit greatly from a drastic change in sound. which is to some extent, provided in the FOURTH SONG: or the transition thereto. (im at about 5 minutes) ah good...that blasted synth isnt present anymore. i like this section...its very chill. ending: hmm...what to do? this mix is well done, well mixed, but i'm having some issues with that blasted main synth sound; i think it should be changed in at least a few places. also the fadeout ending isnt resolved. i understand that this is a two part mix, and there's no way we'll be able to fit a 12 minute mix into 6 megs. because its a medly, a two part medly no less, it doesnt have very clear escalation and resolution. i cant decide right now. i'll vote later. EDIT: allright. its well done, but the synth lead is really annoying at times, and the segments arent that different from the original. i'd like to see a resubmit. NO
Protricity Posted June 7, 2003 Posted June 7, 2003 Really dont like that lead instrument. Its hella messed up. Hard on the ears. Man, that ugly lead is back again. Its like a good lead that someone distorted to all hell. Note for note eh? 3:00 Beat hasnt changed at all thus far. Transitions are poor. They just get quiet and then the next part starts. Finally, the beat changed up, but that lead is killing me, and again, the melody is note for note. Not liking 4:30 at all; the melody is rather unfiting of the accompany. 4:50 gives another fade in fade out transition. And to my surprise, this section is also note for note with the original. Work on expanding the melody rather than just putting simple drums over the original melody. NO
Malcos Posted June 8, 2003 Posted June 8, 2003 The intro is very impressive and promising. The mix is well done, with subtle effects and sweeps thrown in for interest. The whole thing moves along nicely, and the transitions are not too much of a shock. However, the main lead synth is really annoying at times. The part where it comes in at 4.21 should be highlighted in particular - the synth comes in waaaay too loud. It is also quite a bit too similar to the original in terms of notes, maybe some elaboration would be better. So nice idea, good texture and mixing overall, but that main synth sound is just too grating. NO
Israfel Posted June 10, 2003 Posted June 10, 2003 Though nice at times, the synths are rather abrasive. Arrangement is very similar to the original as well. And of course one of the drawbacks of doing a medley is that there is very little cohesiveness and development- just goes with the territory, but it still hurts the overall depth of the piece. Some of the synth and drum work around 4 minute mark is rather cool however- although again, the synths border on ear-piercing at times. It's not a bad mix or anything, but it doesn't do anything particularly standout. That coupled with the few problems it has and I'm going to have to go with a NO
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