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Yea I think alot of us are wondering why, they never did this with project chaos. Now not to bash on them but honestly they used a cop out and used the STH3 ending theme, for the umbteenth remix of that song.

Let me remind you, I think they did a great job on the project chaos, some of the WIP's I'd love to see completed. Anyways I digress I would like to see a remix of the STH3+S&K ending credits not the STH3 credits.

One tiny note. I've seen STH1&2 remixes for their ending credits, can anyone tell me why in the world no one wants to do STH3+S&K credits, it could not possably be that much harder, its about the same length and just shifting between the level tracks and mixed rather well. I honestly belive SOMEONE on this site that does high quality remixes could do a STH3+S&K ending credit remix.

Please, anyone? I'd die to hear a completed verson of this song so many remixers here do such a great job.


Thanks, I remeber finding one on limewire it was kinda.. good but each levle sequance lasted like 2 mins and it was only mushroom hill and flying battery. Tis a shame though. I would also like to see 'water on the dancefloor' completed its STILL a WIP >.< Tis an epic remix of hydrocity.

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