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*NO* Ico 'Sine Waves and Foggy Days (The Crystalized Castle)'

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Worth checking how extensive the sampling is - LT

Remixer name: Eshmasesh

Real name: Chris Manning

Email address: dj_feoz@hotmail.com

Website: None

User ID: 25199

Name of game: ICO

Names of Individual Songs: Continue, Castle in the Mist, Coffin

This is my first submission to OCremix! The main thing which inspired this song was listening to "Save Me" by SGX. After looking up the source tunes ("Continue" struck a chord with me), I found another part of the ICO soundtrack, Castle in the Mist, and thought "Wow, this guitar would be fun to sample!" So I sampled it, and after combining it with a lot of other alterior elements and a somewhat liberal interpretation of "Continue", I came up with this track.


One of the best goddamn remixes I've heard.

Fantastic processing of instruments and a lot of creativity. Clean production and an appealing arrangement.

The issue here is that the major source connection is directly sampled. This conflicts with "Taking the original game audio and simply adding drum loops or using an existing MIDI file and assigning new instruments does not qualify as substantial or original arrangement." from the standards. Considering how liberal the arrangement of "Continue" was I just can't pass this as a ReMix.

However I encourage you to keep remixing. Read through the standards, adapt a bit and you'll be ready to have your epic masterpiece posted on the front-page in no time. This is really fantastic stuff so I'd love it if you kept submitting. Sorry about the NO man.



If Continue is in there, it's very liberal, yeah. I listened over both your song and the original a few times and couldn't find the connection there. As for the rest of the song, the sampling didn't bother me. It's heavily chopped such that it forms a new melody, and only the timbre is recognizable from the original. To me, that's a valid form of interpretation. However, the new melody was NEW, and there isn't enough connecting this to ICO.

I did like the song quite a bit. Very moody but playful, good build-up of textures. It ended too soon for my liking, which usually means a song is compelling. If you can somehow work more ICO into this - like somehow using the chopped guitars to give a more obvious take on Continue - I think it would be a knockout.



ICO ~melody in the mist~ - (11) "continue", (04) "Castle in the Mist", & (02) "coffin"

a somewhat liberal interpretation of "Continue"

Nah, I would say too liberal.

The "Castle in the Mist" sampling wasn't an automatic dealbreaker for our standards & guidelines, but original audio sampling is heavily discouraged when it's relied on as the primary connection to the source material. It's OK to embellish a track with direct sampling, you just can't rely on it. Given the lack of overt connection to "continue", however, I'd argue that that's the sampling was leaned on too much.

Fun track, I definitely enjoyed it. But the "Continue" source was altered beyond recognition. And I don't even know why "Coffin" was mentioned as a source tune when it's just wind ambiance. Better luck next crime.


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