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OCR01021 - *YES* Final Fantasy 7 'Fluss der Liebe' *FT*

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Mixers: DarkPrinceLuca, Freemind, GrayLightning, Israfel (alphabetically ordered)

Title: Fluss der Liebe


Production Notes:

This concept was initially planned by DarkPrinceLuca as a new age and orchestral piece that could be worked on by DPL, Freemind and myself. DPL's role as creative director of the project entailed conceptual ideas on the flow of the mix, and the initial sound design. From there Freemind created the piano melody and base harmony (most of the new age sections). At that point, I took Freemind's midi work and orchestrated the strings throughout the piece, as well as did the initial orchestral section. I then mixed down and mastered the file. Israfel joined the project near the project's completion. His work centered around additional orchestrations to compliment my initial orchestral arrangement. I then mixed his newly added material with my previous mastered file. The result is this mix.

(this fallthru is one of Freemind's.)


It took me a while to decide whether to post this as a fallthru because i had some reservations about the mix. it is good, but i feel that the dynamics are not what they could be. dispite a climax around 3:45, i feel that the lead up that climax is not fast enough. another problem is that the theme really doesnt ever change. there are no real interludes, or any other kind of breaks from the meandering melody.

i anticipate a few judges penalizing this mix for its repetitiveness. but i also anticipate a few of us praising this mix for it's impressive feel and it's subtle harmonic changes, and for this reason, despite my ambivalence, i decided to post the fallthru.

make no mistake. this mix is not sloppy, nor poorly thought out. it is described as 'new-age,' a term i am less than completely clear on, but i know that the purpose was to create a relaxing mood, and it does that quite expertly.

it isnt for everyone, but i think it is worth a YES


Nice work. It does repeat itself, but the depth of the piece more than compensates. There are some issues with the dynamics, but I don't think that it destracts too much from it.

Overall, an effective piece. I particularly liked the way it nicely dropped from major to minor. (You know what part I'm talking about!)



Well, I'm not gonna say that 'boring' is a bad thing, but I do see a severe lack of arrangement going on here. Its just the same notes over and over with basic chord changes. It starts to build towards the end, finally.. then dies....

then ... repeats... again.

I expect more out of these kinds of arangements.



Hey, this is nice. It starts out really haunting and brooding, and develops into a very motion picture score-esque song. The strings and horns and all really sound nice, and while there are a few flaws in the quality, all in all it sounds nice. The arrangement is very smooth and fluid. I don't really know what else to say. Loved it. :nicework:


  • 1 month later...

There are a few places where I was really left going "Errr..." in this track.

While I do really enjoy the feel of it, I'm a little confused by a few sections

here and there where the sample quality and arrangement just


I dont understand how so many people could have worked on this track

and so little be going on. Don't get me wrong, there are some

wonderfully rich minimalistic moments here (oxymoron?) but I just don't

see how places like 2:35-2:45ish can happen. That snare and percussion

is just abysmal in the context of the rest of the mix. It's not that it's bad,

it just seems horribly out of place. Given the rest of the track though,

and how it builds and floats in teh background, I'm giving it a thumbs up.

I think this track could have gone further and into more depth, but it's

still a nice little light journey as is.


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