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Remixer: HoboKa

Source: Belthasar's theme

Game: Chrono Trigger (of course :P)

Remix name: His Last Invention


Hey there Larry, Shariq and whoever else is reviewing my crap :D. I've got you guys a new mix to evaluate. I tried harder to be be more logical in my progression (plus I stuck close to the source's progression to make life easier). It's definitely a conservative remix with my own personalization. I wish I had better samples, especially for my choirs, but this is the best I've got. Try to enjoy. Until next time!


http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ct - "Sealed Door" (ct-307.spc)

The lead was too quiet compared to the other instruments. The beats brought in at :28 were decent to start, but one eventually realizes that that was basically it for the core percussion.

The textures were decent but not cohesive yet, and I'd argue 1:09-1:37's section was too sparse. 1:37 had some particularly odd stuff going on with the low strings that seemed to clash with the rest of the song.

The textures needed more depth and needed to lock together better, that was the main issue. As far as fixing those clashing areas, well, you need to keep training your ear to even pick up on this stuff, that's all you can attempt to do. Keep at it.



I wasn't really feeling this one until 1:09, when it switched over to the B section. That section gelled in terms of percussion and instruments landing on the right beats, and I think it was a case where your trademark key signature and rhythm emphasis changes worked in your favor. In the other sections, well... they didn't. There's too much randomness in terms of timing and volume in the drums and as a result, little direction. Lastly, the song is a little sparse overall.

The snare didn't sit right with the rest of the instruments, too punchy and dry. The bell lead was too muted and tough to hear against the other instruments you had. I think something brighter might have suited the song more there.

This one has some very sizable problems and I don't think it's as strong as some of your other work. Sorry dude.



Instruments lacked depth and clashed somewhat. The lead bells seemed quiet compared to the strings, too bad because that was definitely a better sound than the strings. The samples weren't all that good in other words.

I like the feel of the drums even though they sound quite muddy. Nothing wrong with the timing and drum programming imo. They do lack direction but I don't think that's the issue with the arrangement. With a stronger melodic arrangement this would work.

Sadly this doesn't feel ready yet but keep working. I think some of your other remixes are stronger, try comparing this to both your other stuff and what's getting posted to get a general idea what we want. Good luck with your next sub!


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