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Who says they weren't miffed with Kojima?

Kojima is full of shit. Itagaki sounds like a total genius in comparison. Kojima can't be taken seriously with all the stupid BS he keeps spewing about the state of videogaming.


Video games are most certainly art. Hell, my calculus homework was art. It might be shitty art, it might have no "artistic merit," but it's art because it's not just a matter of "plug in X, receive Y." The only things that aren't really art are those weird programs where there is exactly 1 answer such as "10 PRINT "Hello world!" 20 GOTO 10," and even that's debatable. Anything that requires any creativity is art. Not necessarily great art, but it's still art.


Video games as art. It's just another speculative non-issue for academics to argue about endlessly, then submit their theories to the masses to stir up more speculative non-issues just so that they can keep a job making wild conjecture that will get them in a book one day.

Well, here's an academic (not a PhD but an academic at heart). Let's argue.

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