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Another #mod_shrine compo

Immediately after the last one! And I did a lot better! There was even a serenade for me in there :D

[PLACE 1 -=> porno.xm <=- Done by -=> zabutom <=- with 107pts ]

[PLACE 2 -=> illegalass.it <=- Done by -=> xaimus <=- with 100pts ]

[PLACE 3 -=> soc.it <=- Done by -=> qualo <=- with 91pts ]

[PLACE 4 -=> topten.it <=- Done by -=> coda <=- with 88pts ]

[PLACE 5 -=> kuken.xm <=- Done by -=> malmen <=- with 78pts ]

[PLACE 6 -=> Palin.it <=- Done by -=> mad <=- with 73pts ]

[PLACE 7 -=> necropedophilia.it <=- Done by -=> ceekayed <=- with 71pts ]

[PLACE 8 -=> violeta.it <=- Done by -=> reduz <=- with 70pts ]

[PLACE 9 -=> saludseducesloli.s3m <=- Done by -=> overgoat <=- with 54pts ]

[PLACE 10 -=> onesmallstepforpron.it <=- Done by -=> chunter <=- with 49pts ]

[PLACE 11 -=> _Teen_Girls.s3m <=- Done by -=> tristendo <=- with 40pts ]

[PLACE 12 -=> foralongtime.it <=- Done by -=> mrb <=- with 37pts ]

9 out of 12 aint bad. Certainly beats the last one! You can download Mark Salud Seduces a Loli here and the votepack here

Also, for those who don't know Mark Salud, he's THIS GUY:

My song is kind of a homage to the first song in this video, haha.

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