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Problem with Reaper: Soundfonts resets in certain MIDIs when play button pressed.

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I'm a very new user to Reaper and music in general but I've ran into a strange problem. I have this MIDI file (created in MuseScore, some of you will likely recognize this as Moonsong from Cave story and thus it's obviously not an original work of mine, I'm just fiddling with it to get a feel of working with digital music). I import it into Reaper and it's split up into two separate tracks (according to treble clef and bass clef). I set a sound font plugin (either sfz or FONT!sf2)in my fx chain but no matter what sound font file I use, every time I press the play button, the sound font on the treble clef midi track resets back to the first sound font.

For example: Let's say I select squidfont_orchestral.sf2. The first individual sound font is "0: Vins I Legato" (violins). If I set the individual sound font to "1: Vins I Detache" than press the play button, the sound font changes back to "0: Vins I Legato". This happens in either sfz or FONT!sf2, no matter what individual sound font I choose.

Anybody have any ideas how to solve this problem?


I got some help on the Reaper forums. Apparently there was something in the actual MIDI file that set the defaults and I could delete them within the MIDI editor's event list.

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