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I am Andrew and I sent to this wonderful remix site a piano arrangement of Wind Scene called "Wind Scene in 12/8" a few months ago. Seeing that you have yet to post this piece, I would like to send you a better version. Please consider posting it. :)

Paste into your browser if this is a Web-based E-mail account. Else click it. :D Please have my remixer handle as the ultimately simple "Andrew" (w/o quotes).

May you have many wonderful and fulfilling days!

-Andrew Owen


Not bad, here's what I hear:

Excellent development on the rhythms and the piece follows a well thought out form. Despite the length, everything seems to have been developed sufficiently.

Alot of clipping at the louder sections. And the bass should be perhaps raised an octave at times- the lower register is fairly muddy. Also, the ending is cut off. Some decent attention paid to dynamics, but I'd like to hear more.

I like the arrangement, but there are few technical problems (like the clipping) that are very distracting and easily fixed.

NO for now, but I'd be interested in a resubmit.


Yes, appealing rhythmic variations are present, but the core progression is still unchanged, even with the new time signature. The simple accompaniment does help, though. Dynamics sorely need to be touched up; live recordings need to be EQ’d too! The few minor flubs are all the more noticeable since this is so short.

Peacock on the balcony!

Pretty average piano piece; take more liberties with the source and flesh it out.



First off, 1:26? I dont think so.

This song gets right into the melody and plays it out in 3/4 instead of 4/4 vis a vis the original.

Then it proceeds to play out the original melody exactly in the same nature substituting arpeggios for actual chords.

It ends with an abrupt clipped stop.

Please work on actual variation of the theme and watch that clipping :D


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