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Good day, attached is my remix of the Fairy Ring song in the Quest for Glory series many years back. The title is The Fairies are Gone, in reference both to the ending of that era of gaming, as well as the gap that has been left by its absence. The original composer is Mark Seibert who worked on many Sierra games. I always truly enjoyed the old classic Sierra adventure games and found them to be some of the most memorable games during my childhood. This piece is simple, slow pace, and intended to have a passing sorrow to it. I'm no expert by any means, but I truly hope you enjoy it. You may hear the original piece beginning at .55 of this video on youtube. It is a more obscure piece and short, but I wanted to expand it as I felt the mood and tune of the piece need just a tad more variety.

Thank you.

Brian B


Hero's Quest - (15) "Fairy Ring Medley"

Beautiful piece; it's just not developed enough of a concept, though I'd argue it was pretty close for being such a short piece. Given that it wasn't even 2 minutes, I thought it set a distinct somber mood compared to the original.

Please consider more interpretation as well as developing the ideas further. What's in place now is a good base, but isn't being explored to its full potential. Keep on this one; Sierra music doesn't get enough love.

NO (resubmit)


Very cool minimalist concept you've got going on. Listening to those piano echoes dissipate is entrancing. In addition, I think you handled the source pretty well. It's reminiscent enough of the original, while clearly deviating in terms of structure and melody. I think like Larry, I'd like to see this piece expanding a little more. Two minutes goes by awfully quickly because of how slow this is. I wouldn't have minded a short bridge and another iteration of the melody. I think you could also bump up the volume a little.

Please resubmit, because I think it'd be a great addition to OCR. It's very unique in style, and the series woefully needs some attention on OCR!

NO (resubmit)


Beautiful minimalist piece this one. The concept is great for sure. The extreme reverb setting works quite well here. Still, I think there are some issues. The playing are at times a bit too loose. The final notes in the left hand for example. Also it cuts off rather abruptly because of the reverb tail.

The arrangement had, as I said, a great concept but you need to develop it more. It's quite short and slow so I feel there could be much more to it. Adding some additional quirks and sequences in the arrangement while tightening up the playing a bit. No need to stop being expressive, just don't let it sound sloppy.

This is, as we've said MANY times now, a great concept and would be a good addition to OCR so please take your time to develop this and resubmit it! Good luck!


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