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OCR01025 - *YES* Mega Man 2 'Dr. Wily's Wedding'

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Email sub attachment file Mega Man 2 Dr. Wily's Wedding OC ReMix.mp3 - djp

Hi, my name is Jayson Litrio, I did a remix called the Goddess Appears (Legend of Zelda) a WHILE back. I noticed my name is not in the remixer list, but my arrangement is still available. I'm sure that was a mistake, but either way, I until now only had that one song posted, so I wasn't much of a submitter and probably didn't deserve to be in that list. ;)

For starters, I wanted to say that your site keeps getting better, and I love it. I am now planning to be more of a part of it, if at all possible. I will now send you things on a regular basis, if, that is, you'll allow me the joy of doing so. I've got some new equipment, and I can't wait to send you some of my new arrangements.

The song I sent to re-kick off my Overclocked life is from Mega Man 2, it's Dr. Wily's stage 1 theme. I normally wouldn't send something like this. It's raw and I'm a perfectionist. But I thought it might be interesting for you, and I did it as an experiment - for fun - I didn't want to spend the usual 4 hours on it. I just did it tonight actually, it's now 5:30am in New York. I layed it down on 30 minutes ago as I couldn't sleep. I wanted to try and make an NES tune beautiful by playing it gracefully and "live" - I didn't sequence this. Just sat at the piano and played my rendition of the tune, then added a simple improv. string track and that's about all. NES melodies, even one like this, slowed down, are quite amazing. I once played this at someone's wedding during cocktail hour! Of course, nobody knew what it was I was playing - but I sure had a smile on my face. ;)

Thanks for listening and reading my blabber - keep up the great work - I'm SO looking forward to add more songs to my list which until today was only one tune............ call this one........Hmmm...... 'Dr. Wily's Wedding' YOU ROCK!

- Jayson Litrio


man. I had a similar idea. I was gonna do the whole megaman 3 soundtrack in piano ballad form as a joke... but then I started trying and found that some of them sounded REALLY good. So I had to stop. I was taking it way too seriously.

Anyway, this is good. This is ... well, it's not THE BEST, but I'm basing this on great works, so, it beats the hell out of a lot of the other piano arrangements we get, and there's plenty of original content along with sticking with the source.

A for originality

B+ for execution (you know where you messed up, young man)




This is a direct nsf rip of the original with piano gigasamples.

For shame!!! What you think we're runnin here? some kind of midi-rip website?


Oh wait... my bad, I was talkin about a different song.


Cool! Dr. Wily piano.

Not too variant.. Not too original.. and definately not too long.

Ending came way too soon. This song shoudl have been 6 minutes, not under 2:30.

Well executed and great style.


  • 2 weeks later...

This could easily be mistaken for a piece on the Narada or Windham Hill labels. Very authentic new age sound going on here. I wish it were longer, but what's here is quite excellent.


Hmm...is my setup screwed up or is there an annoying popping sound at the end?

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