Protricity Posted August 29, 2003 Posted August 29, 2003 I listened to Protricity's example, and the tremolo is present continuously, but it does become more pronounced as the note decays. I think this could actually work, but it would sound best with the use of a compressor with the proper release setting. If you really want to get around having to duplicate a track then I guess this may be the best approach.I personally believe that although my approach is slightly more complex to set up, it is ultimately cleaner and more flexible. There are advantas to each, it seems. Your method also allows the use of 2 maelstrom synths to be mixed instead of just one. Ups and downs.
(Cry()genic) Posted August 29, 2003 Posted August 29, 2003 Hi. I installed Reason 2.0 a couple of days ago and I'm having a problem with sending the ReDrum patterns to the sequencer. I use the penicl tool but instead I get silence. Are there any other ways? Do I need to get anything hooked up to the mixer (besides the drum machine)?
klm09 Posted August 30, 2003 Posted August 30, 2003 So, are you saying that when you use the Copy to Track menu option to transfer a pattern you've programmed in the ReDrum interface to the sequencer, you get silence? Or that when you program a sequence period, you can't hear anything? Well, ok, that doesn't *really* matter.. but anywho, is the ReDrum connected to your mixer? Is the mixer connected to the hardware interface? (Is the hip bone conn.. uhh.. sorry). In the sequencer, is the Track you've programmed the sequence in being "sent" to the ReDrum? What I mean is that is there a small icon that looks like a miniature ReDrum machine next to the "name" of the Track on the left side of the sequencer? That's all I can think of for now.. hmm. Everything else works properly?
(Cry()genic) Posted August 31, 2003 Posted August 31, 2003 Thanx man. I was blindly using the penicl tool...But I've got a second question now. When I wanna play my sequencer song. It always starts playing all of the sequencer track at once. I managed to turn that off, but I can't turn the synths off.
klm09 Posted September 1, 2003 Posted September 1, 2003 Sorry, but I don't quite get what you mean. Do you mean that you'd like it to start playing the different tracks at different times? Do you mean that you've programmed some patterns in a Matrix, and now you want to be able to get those synths that are controlled by the Matrix to not play all the time? Or that all the notes you've programmed in play at the same time in a giant chord of ear bleeding dissonance? If you could clarify a bit, I'm sure that one of us can help you.
Devvyn Posted September 1, 2003 Author Posted September 1, 2003 I might be stating the obvious, but it might help to say this anyway: About not hearing anything from the ReDrum: This may seem ridiculously obvious, but it has happened to me--if you have not loaded samples or a kit, it will not produce sound. About the sequencer: The sequencer will play all tracks from left to right simultaneously. The tracks in the sequencer are not like individual patterns. So, if you want one part to come in later than another, you'll have to highlight it and drag it to the appropriate place. Another reason for too much sound: Also, things like the Matrix and the ReDrum will play continuously when you hit play regardless of what is in the sequencer if the "Pattern" button is lit on the device in question. I used to have a problem remembering that from time to time and then I would wonder why there was more sound than there was supposed to be.
(Cry()genic) Posted September 2, 2003 Posted September 2, 2003 I did have the kit loaded. The 2nd reson for too much sound is right, but how do you solve it? It doesn't show these tracks loaded into the sequencer.
Villainelle Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 I've got general questions about the program (I don't own it yet). I'm a Fruity 3.56 user who's looking to step up to something slightly more powerful, and it's between Reason 2.5 and FL Studio 4. I've heard Reason is the more "professional" software, but I don't care about the image of the program, I'm just a bit worried about limitations... 1. So Reason can't use VSTs? Does that mean I'm stuck with Reason's default synths, or is there some other way to sneak in, say, an Absynth VST? Or are Reason's synths good enough to not even need plug-ins? 2. What about effects and such, would I be able to download those or am I likewise stuck with the default program settings and I'll have to make all my effects manually? *fear* I already have trouble trying to stop myself tweaking other people's plug-ins...if I have to do it ALL myself I'll never get anything done... (cry) 3. You can't have tempo changes in Reason songs, right? Is there at least something similar to Fruity's automation? TIA!
klm09 Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 I've got general questions about the program (I don't own it yet). I'm a Fruity 3.56 user who's looking to step up to something slightly more powerful, and it's between Reason 2.5 and FL Studio 4. I've heard Reason is the more "professional" software, but I don't care about the image of the program, I'm just a bit worried about limitations...1. So Reason can't use VSTs? Does that mean I'm stuck with Reason's default synths, or is there some other way to sneak in, say, an Absynth VST? Or are Reason's synths good enough to not even need plug-ins? 2. What about effects and such, would I be able to download those or am I likewise stuck with the default program settings and I'll have to make all my effects manually? *fear* I already have trouble trying to stop myself tweaking other people's plug-ins...if I have to do it ALL myself I'll never get anything done... (cry) 3. You can't have tempo changes in Reason songs, right? Is there at least something similar to Fruity's automation? TIA! 1. You can't use VSTs in Reason, per se, but via ReWiring it to another program such as Cubase you could. But no, you can't use them in Reason. However, I'd say the synths definately are good enough that you don't need anything else, except for some very outlandish sounds that are only producible via very specific forms of synthesis, etc. 2. Yup, you're also "stuck" with the stuff that comes with Reason. But again, they're all of such quality that you don't necessarily need anything else. 3. Yes, you can automate just about every parameter of every machine either manually or then via the Matrix. Crap lesson starting must stop here.
Protricity Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 3. You can't have tempo changes in Reason songs, right? Is there at least something similar to Fruity's automation? TIA! Reason, rewired to cubase, can use a 'tempo track' from within cubase to control the master tempo. This is a very effective way to control reason's tempo. I do it all the time, but beware, there is a reason delay module bug that occurs on tempo changes D:.
Villainelle Posted September 3, 2003 Posted September 3, 2003 Thanks for the info, guys! Decided to buy.
klm09 Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 3. You can't have tempo changes in Reason songs, right? Is there at least something similar to Fruity's automation? TIA! Reason, rewired to cubase, can use a 'tempo track' from within cubase to control the master tempo. This is a very effective way to control reason's tempo. I do it all the time, but beware, there is a reason delay module bug that occurs on tempo changes D:. Does the same thing happen as when you change the delay time on the fly? Like that tape speed fluctuation type of sound? (I don't have Cubase so I can't try it out)
(Cry()genic) Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 Another reason for too much sound:Also, things like the Matrix and the ReDrum will play continuously when you hit play regardless of what is in the sequencer if the "Pattern" button is lit on the device in question. I used to have a problem remembering that from time to time and then I would wonder why there was more sound than there was supposed to be. how do you solve it?!
Villainelle Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 Another reason for too much sound:Also, things like the Matrix and the ReDrum will play continuously when you hit play regardless of what is in the sequencer if the "Pattern" button is lit on the device in question. I used to have a problem remembering that from time to time and then I would wonder why there was more sound than there was supposed to be. how do you solve it?! Er...I just found this in the Reason 2.5 help file: The Pattern Enable switchIf you deactivate the "Pattern" button above the pattern selection buttons, the pattern playback will be muted, starting at the next downbeat (exactly as if you had selected an empty (silent) pattern). For example, this can be used for bringing different pattern devices in and out of the mix during playback.
Villainelle Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 Also, I've got some actual questions now for you Reason users... 1. Is there any sort of scripting possible? Specifically, I'm wondering if it's possible to do something like select some notes and then run a script that lengthens all selected by 1/4. 2. Any tips or tricks you guys have for grouping? What useful things have you done with it, besides just separating stuff categorically?
Villainelle Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 1. Is there any sort of scripting possible? Specifically, I'm wondering if it's possible to do something like select some notes and then run a script that lengthens all selected by 1/4. !!! I'm not spamming, but I think I just figured out how to do that without scripting... So apparently all you have to do is select the notes in keyboard edit mode, then drag the little black box on the end of any note to your desired length and all notes are lengthened that amount. Only problem is that spacing isn't kept intact and the notes overlap...any ideas on how to either keep spacing the same or lengthen it as well?
klm09 Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 Do you mean you want to, say, turn a bar of 8th notes into 2 bars of quarter notes? That you can achieve by selecting the notes, right clicking and choosing "Edit Events" (I'm pretty sure that's what it's called). There you can do what I desribed above, with the "scale tempo" function iirc.
Villainelle Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 Do you mean you want to, say, turn a bar of 8th notes into 2 bars of quarter notes? That you can achieve by selecting the notes, right clicking and choosing "Edit Events" (I'm pretty sure that's what it's called). There you can do what I desribed above, with the "scale tempo" function iirc. YES! Exactly! That works beautifully, thank you so much.
(Cry()genic) Posted September 4, 2003 Posted September 4, 2003 Er...I just found this in the Reason 2.5 help file:The Pattern Enable switchIf you deactivate the "Pattern" button above the pattern selection buttons, the pattern playback will be muted, starting at the next downbeat (exactly as if you had selected an empty (silent) pattern). For example, this can be used for bringing different pattern devices in and out of the mix during playback. You're a fucking genious! Thank you!
(Cry()genic) Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 DAMN IT STILL DOESN'T WORK! I remember in one of the demo songs, the pattern menu in the Matrix was "highlighted". Does anyboy know how to do this?
sgx Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 The purple line box thang around the pattern bank numbers and letters? It gets highlighted when you draw or drag those pattern tab things in the sequencer when looking in pattern view for that track. When it's highlighted, that signifies that the pattern stuff is automated (just as any knob or slider gets highlighted green when it is automated). Hope that helps/was clear.
Villainelle Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Automation question... Okay, could someone tell me if this is correct or if there's something I missed? When you automate a device, the automation data is stored in the corresponding track. The mixer doesn't have a track so you need to create one for it to add automation. There is no other place your automation data will end up...right? No secret cubbyhole or something? Just want to make sure I'll be able to find my automation was a pain to do this in Fruity Loops. Blah.
Protricity Posted September 5, 2003 Posted September 5, 2003 Automation question...Okay, could someone tell me if this is correct or if there's something I missed? When you automate a device, the automation data is stored in the corresponding track. The mixer doesn't have a track so you need to create one for it to add automation. There is no other place your automation data will end up...right? No secret cubbyhole or something? Just want to make sure I'll be able to find my automation was a pain to do this in Fruity Loops. Blah. You are correct. The only way to record in realtime a knob or switch's automation is with a track that has midi focus. Midi focus is the little midi icon next to the track that you can select (only one at a time, though). So naturally, if a knob or whell has no track, it cannot be the focus of the midi marker, right? Cool thing about cubase sx is that if you automate ANYTHING, it will create an automation track in the right location for you.
(Cry()genic) Posted September 26, 2003 Posted September 26, 2003 Ok, I've got a question that I've been wanting to ask for quite a while now: Is there any way to adjust the tempo of a Dr Rex loop without adjusting the whole sequencer?
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