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Sampletank 2 issue


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I'm having a bit of trouble with ST 2 in FL Studio, I think it's more of an FL Studio problem however. When I hook up a midi out to a channel and port in ST2, when I change the volume or panning on the channel in ST, the second a pause or stop FL Studio it resets to default. This isn't a result of init song with position, or automation. It only resets these parameters, and only for the ST channels that have midi outs hooked up to them. It's messing with my volumes, anyone have a clue?

If no one can find a solution I'll just do everything in my mixer channels...

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I did, I deleted any events I could find and I even tried setting the init state, when the song started it flipped to the init state, then instantly reverted to default. It also does this on a completely new project so those couldn't be the issues. Note that it does this with every single channel that I have a midi out connected so, it's as if it's sending the values through the midi out.

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