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Sounds fairly good. Might be a little too repetitive. Hihats are ticky, something I personally don't like.

Bass drum needs more high frequencies, it sounds buried under the bass.

I can hear source in it, no problem there, but the repetition makes me wonder if there's enough interpretation and if the arrangement is good enough. Some redundant repetition could probably be cut, making the track a bit more compact.

The track doesn't really take off anywhere, which might be a problem. It's in that state where the weight is off the ground, but it's not lifting off. Dunno if that's what you were going for, but it's a little detracting if you're expecting something fast. Extreme Velocity... hmm... unless you want something in it that screws with people.

That being said, production is probably in YES territory, the rest is arrangement issues. Someone that knows the source from before and is better versed in the genre could probably say for sure, but I think the Js might have a problem with it.

Good work, tho.


Oh man, this thing is a gem to for me to run across! It's way above my level so this'll likely be my unexperienced first thoughs :-P but I'll have a go anyways.

Those very high short random notes can be almost painful, but I'm not sure what you'd do to change them and still get that sharp cutting effect that they're so good at. Fatter sound with less harshness or something? But again, may lose that cutting that it's doing well. Bleh, I dunno.

I'd like a little more ching in my high hats, little clang, little clutter. A dirtier stick hit through the hats. But that's again, preference. Also you'd have to be careful not to use a muddy sort of thick hat sound with those clean cymbals and drums, so you can't really go too dirty and match the rest of the kit sounds. Maybe you can layer another kits hats over these and turn the velocity way down.

Other then that, it may run a little long for my taste. Don't get me wrong, I don't really want to tell you it's too repedititve, because it's very diverse the whole way through. Each idea sticks close enough to the theme that when the next similar idea comes along it's nice, but about the 3rd time, even though it's still different and a good idea, it looses that freshness that it had.

I feel like I'm not communicating this right. Erm. When you hit the 16ths on the hats at the end. I feel like I already know what's going to happen next. I'm going 'okay, there's the new element, now comes the old elements, and I know for how long and what they'll be' uh. If that makes... any sense...:puppyeyes:

But I do like it vury much. Hope this helps.

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