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Dual-boot dilemma.

The Vagrance

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Ok, I'll briefly explain my situation.

I successfully dual-booted my machine, however, I set my Windows XP partition too small (4GB) so I resized it with partition magic. Unfortunately when I did this, it messed with my Windows XP install and I had to repair my XP installation. After I do that though, it won't allow me to dual-boot into Vista anymore. When I repair my Vista install, it gives off the appearance of being able to dual-boot by listing both "Windows Vista" and "Previous Version of Windows" (something like that) but when I click "Previous Version" it gives me an error telling me to repair my XP install. I did so and now I can't dual-boot into Vista and I'm reluctant to repair my Vista install.

I use XP for all of my audio programs and I use a 64-bit version of Vista for gaming and if I want to jam out to iTunes or something. Any help with this issue?

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