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*NO* Tales of Phantasia 'TRAVELER 3'


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I'm not familiar with the original so--

First Impressions:

Umm... your can hear total MICage in the text. Especially at the end of "oF" and your p's pop like a highschool assembly. It's a believable little monologue... but when you hear constonants [sic] pop, it shatters our suspension of disbelief, which is a shame, because the atmosphere it creates is gangstah

And... it's OVARRR. Since I don't know the original, I'm going to have to defer to Protricity's wisdom and assume that no, the melody only pops up at the tail-tail end.

Final Impression:

Clean up the monologue (because some of it is inaudible), and get rid of the pops. Then focus on bringing out the melody early, and using the rest of the piece to really expand upon an original idea.


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ok, I have a different idea. Less talk, more music. At about 1:30, it could easily turn into a kickass remix of the Knight Rider theme. Man I want to hear that now. OH MAN THIS IS LIKE, SO CLOSE to the Knight Rider theme. That percolated synth.

But yeah. Cool synths and all, but it doesn't really go anywhere. Some chords, some random beats, and more reverse cymbals than even I use. Needs more substance. Maybe a middle and ending would be nice?



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First ten seconds has sounds and chords similar to many songs of this style, good way to start out.

Yeah, this is turning out to be another excessively elongated intro of an arrangement. I guess that's some sort of accomplishment for three and a half minutes of sound. Like a looping soundscape beginning credits theme to a psycho-horror flick, there's not much music here. Also, I share Wingless' complaints on the voice clip; metallic flange is neat, but it's barely comprehensible.

Take these sounds and make a mix. NO

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