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How Do I Make a longer beat with multiple patterns? Or is there an easier way?


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Yeah, How Can I make a beat longer, and multiple beats by adding more then one pattern and having them play as one? Because. I have a basic beat, but I want to add to it. But I don't know any ways too, and the FL guide hasn't helped me much.

Also on another note: I'm having trouble sequencing loops into a simple beat, any tips?

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? Are you not using the Playlist? You draw in the patterns into the playlist, if you have more than one then you play them one after another in the playlist using pattern blocks. I don't know what exactly you're confused about...

Thats exactly what I was thinking. Just forgot to clone is what I did.

So, yeah. ;] Thanks much.

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*Sigh* You aren't using the playlist! Hit F5, that thing that pops up is the playlist, you organize the song and patterns in there! Click with the pencil tool in the horizontal row of the first pattern at the left side of that row. Now do the same with the second pattern and line it up with just after where the first block ends. Now make sure the light in the transport bar is "Song" and hit play. For editing patterns change the pattern selector LCD to the number you want.

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*Sigh* You aren't using the playlist! Hit F5, that thing that pops up is the playlist, you organize the song and patterns in there! Click with the pencil tool in the horizontal row of the first pattern at the left side of that row. Now do the same with the second pattern and line it up with just after where the first block ends. Now make sure the light in the transport bar is "Song" and hit play. For editing patterns change the pattern selector LCD to the number you want.

Thanks, I'll give it a try, And I have been using the playlist.

I just didn't have it set to song xD. lmfao. Thanks a bunch. Now. My first project is complete. Not sure if it sounds like shit, Need to get some input.

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