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What the hell was lost in translation between Rockman and Megaman?

Initial Impressions:

ewww... the synth that's carrying melody. A little to high on Frequency, to the point where it's a little grating and piercing.

...and... we're still repeating? Still?

Well I'll wait.




Hey a pause!

Yeah... it's really a carbon copy of the original with a madcap drum lead-in. It's one step up from being a midi-rip.

And even if that is not the case, wayyyyyyyyy to repetative. If this were OCremix for ADD, I would say yes, but since it is not.

Lasting Impression:

Variety is the spice of life. This piece needs spice. Alot. In addition, it needs a better lead synth, a sense of purpose and progress. In other words, meticulous craftsmanship on the original and making it your own.


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