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*NO* Final Fantasy 8 'Desperadoes' (RESUB?)


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Greetings djpretzel!

We have finnished an updated version of the remix 'Final Fantasy 8 Desperados'. What is new is that we have added and removed some small stuff, made a new intro, and properly mixed and mastered it this time. Anyway, get it at ftp.angelfire.com using the login name 'music5/standby' and the password 'ravekids'. Hope you like it!

And now for the request: I dont know if you could do this but I want my previous remix ' Green Beret Hardcore' and also my 'WhoAmI' profile removed because I am not a solo artist anymore and I really hate that mix. I dont even know why I sent it to you, I was so stupid. If you'd be willing to do that maybe you would also have to alter the review of 'Final Fantasy 7 Galvanized Boss' a bit. Please, please, please remove me and that song!

Cheers - Standby

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Ahh. the good ole' formula never gets old eh? This is probably the best of the remixes I've heard of this song, but it still adds very little over the original save for a bunch of insane crazy drums and drumloops. The same repetitve synth goes over and over and never goes away. No variation.

Work on variation and arrangement and dont rely on simple drums and drumloops :(


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First Impression:

I like the sound of something that, when played in the car, would reverberate 15 miles outwards against every other car. It's a thick sound, which is a plus for El Techno.

And out come PHAT B33TZ. Right... I'm loving the sound coming out of my headphones... It's not too big on variation, but for some reason, I'm able to look past all that (which is odd for me, being a change-up nut)

Lasting Impression:

Yeah yeah yeah, it's techno and we have our fair share here already and OMG WTF BBQ, nobody likes techno anymore, if you read the forums. But I like it. It's quite formulaic, but it's done well.

My big gripes are that it does not need to be 5:00+ long. It also does not need to be so repetative, given that what it does repeat is a very short segment of 3 or so notes.

Very torn...




I'm going to vote YES, on the grounds that it has met a number of criteria in my head so that, if it comes down to a shotgun yes or no, I'm leaning toward yes.

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Well, this is fairly well done techno. Some parts shine for me, while most of this just flew by without any definition. It's very repetitive and there's not enough substantiative elements.

The arrangement is pretty well done in most respects. However, the redundancy of this is just too much. I would suggest taking the best elements of this mix and reducing it by a minute or two.

On the production side, fine samples and very good driving beat. I do agree it all sounds dry though. This needs more effects. Make the lead stand out more. Light reverb might help but perhaps delays might be a better choice. The mixing on this one is a bit of a mess. Use eq and further panning separation to create more definition. Right now it's a bit cluttered. Another side problem to the mixing of this is I think the bottom is very heavy, it's drowning out the middle and treble a little.

Borderline on this one, but I suggest a resubmission if some issues are taken into account for further polishing.


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Redundant indeed; underwhelming, indistinguishable, and conventional are some other choice words. Not much in the way of arrangement or instrumentation done techno is the cause of much prejudice of the genre. Separate engaging elements, harmonial mix-ups, counter-melodies - basically, less reliance on one catchy chorus is in order. Rather mediocre as it stands.


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