djpretzel Posted October 5, 2003 Posted October 5, 2003 I did this remix for IMC Popcorn III, way back in like... january.. or february.. or somethin. Anyways, I won the contest.. partly in part because everyone else was too chicken shit to attempt a remix at this song apparently. But WHUTEVER. It's a remix of "the seabed of st. elles" or some crazy fuckign thing like that. I don't have the original (lost it in a hard drive crash, managed to back up this arrangement luckily) and i'm too lazy to go find it to get the real name, but I have a feeling what I said there was pretty close. I think. You can find it here: OR CAN YOU?? damn FTP thingy keeps screwing up the caps. oh well. anyways.. it's not really my usual stuff... if I even have a usual stuff... so uhm... Enjoy. -T.H. Guenley (Suzumebachi) P.S. - Xypher's FTP is somewhat intermittant at times, so if you're having a problem downloading the song, or if it's down or something, just get ahold of me. You know where to find me __________________________________________________________________ Try AOL and get 1045 hours FREE for 45 days! Get AOL Instant Messenger 5.1 free of charge. Download Now!
Protricity Posted October 9, 2003 Posted October 9, 2003 Very short and the lone synths with no accompany = no no no... Its just too weak as it is. This song doesn't have any real meat. It jumps from one idea to another. It works as an intro, but I feel this song should be twice as long. NO
Digital Coma Posted October 11, 2003 Posted October 11, 2003 Good introduction. Beyond that, what harmony? The same solo synth wave just repeats without any backing. The weak bassline kicks in and its rhythm is quirky as hell. The drumline is pretty damn bad; sounds like something I'd play on a keyboard. Needs more than a tom and kick. At this point, all momentum of the original 38 seconds is lost; very static progression. Decent idea, poor execution. NO
Israfel Posted October 11, 2003 Posted October 11, 2003 Pretty much agree with what's already been said. For one thing, this mix just feels "short"- which is a fairly good sign that it's underdeveloped. The piece never quite manages to gain any momentum. And yes, some sections are quite sparse- perhaps in a longer, more developed work some of those solo synth sections might be okay, but here it doesn't quite mesh well. The "acoustic" instruments are mostly abandonned after the intro- I would have liked for them to be incorporated more- as is, their use seems more gimmicky than anything else. Some decent ideas, but this one still needs a bit more polish and form. NO
The wingless Posted October 13, 2003 Posted October 13, 2003 First Impression: I thought the intro was excellent... XLNT And I like alot of the ideas being thrown around, but I gotta agree with everybody else, there's not enough meat on the bones. Too sparse, especially compared to other areas that are kickin' up the ass. Lasting Impression: It needs to build, and then it needs to build to something No
Disco Dan Posted October 13, 2003 Posted October 13, 2003 ok so I'm downloading this song, and I'm perusing the current posts, and I do a slight double take realizing that the count is 4 no's and so I suddenly realize that I am not obligated to judge this. However, I will. Simply because... um. I don't know. Ok I listened. It's all been said, and there are too many other songs with not enough votes to dwell on this one for long. But yeah. Kind of dies there at the end. Drums could be more kickin'. No? D
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