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I think what this mix lacked more than anything else was cohesion. I thought the parts were played well, however there were some noticeable exceptions.

The sax sounded good at times, and then fake at other times. I thought the note at 44 seconds in was off tune, and it jarred me out of the song. The sax is also unpredictable, coming in at odd times.

The piano playing was good, but a better patch could have been chosen, and some of the same reverb over all the instruments could have really helped pull the sounds together.

Gonna give this one a NO, but I would like to see a resubmit.


A few messy chords in the beginning.

That intro was rather... off. The live sax is too loud and too close to the mic. It gets better though. I like the drums :)

sax comes and goes away. Its rather odd.

The Drum progression keeps repeating with the drums and crash hits, whats with that? It could use more variation. This is rather mechanical.

The drums were way mechanical and the crashes don't fit at all.

Mastering could have been applied better in this song.

The arrangement could be better.

Work on the recording of the sax and the arrangement aspect of the song



Shen-moo lives

First Impressions:

Aww piano. How did you know? A better patch would help make it more believable but I assume it's the best of what's on hand, so I won't hold it against you.

But man... when them drums kick in, it's as awkward as that kid who brought his mom into Senior Prom. Protricity and I are on the same page with the crashes. They're really, REALLY sticking out there. Considering the sweetly fragile tone of the piece, the firework crashes are unnecessary.

And the drums loop alot. With all the crashes going on, that looping is especially noticeable.

Lasting Impression:

Good start, inappropriate drums for the nature of the piece. Recode the drums, let the song build up to something dramatic, and you'll have teh winnar.



Timing issues galore! That piano, average sounding as it is, is sequenced nicely, but does not match that chaotic percussion for a good part of the mix. The sax would've been cool if it hadn't collided so roughly with the piano and drums; it's messy and understated. To restate for further emphasis, the weakest link is most certainly the drumwork. Redo it, make it gel smoothly with the leads it overpowers. Incorporate the sax more thoroughly. Oil that piano with reverb. The arrangement is a bit repetitive, but not so much as to warrant gross flatulence in its general direction.

Do as suggested and resubmit. NO

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