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OCR01058 - *YES* Breath of Fire 'Flames of Valor'

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Hello. I'm writing in order to submit an arrangement/remix of mine called "Flames of Valor." This orchestral arrangement consists of pieces from Breath of Fire for the SNES: the first Overworld Theme, "Alan and Cerl Forever," and the Title Theme.

As a quick aside, I did submit an arrangement to your site on 02/23/2003 entitled "Dollet Unbound," but according to what I've seen over the past few months at the Judge's Forum, the arrangement has not yet been judged nor listed. Unfortunately, due to my extremely limited webspace, I have replaced "Dollet Unbound" with this newer arrangement. If you happen to come across "Dollet Unbound," then please accept my apologies for any confusion, and disregard it, as I feel that "Flames of Valor" is a better submission. Anyway...

name i want it credited to: Vampire Hunter Dan

my website: http://vhdan.tripod.com

my email: vhd@look.ca

URL for the arrangement/remix file (please note that you might need to copy and paste the address, but this probably will not be necessary; if all else fails, you should be able to visit and download the file from there):


Breath of Fire... Ass of ice

First Impression:

I seem to recall D from Vgmix as something of an orchestra man. Glad my memory is still sharp... and so are the samples in this piece. Sounds like Russel's got a contemporary.

Wow... dynamic changes, tempo drops, real honest-to-god emotion and tension in the music. Awesome.

I won't even bother to wait the whole way through--

Lasting Impression:

I must agree with Pro. If it's a rip, then God help us all. If not, this song shouldn't even belong in the judging forum. It belongs on the front page. MAKE IT SO.

YES +10d3

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