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*NO* Final Fantasy 'Ruin of Fiends'


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Remixer Name: Parsec

Real Name: Mark J. Hadley

Email Address: parsec_productions@yahoo.com

Userid: 21993

Game arranged: Final Fantasy

Song arranged: Temple of Fiends

Title of mix: Ruin of Fiends


http://www.zophar.net/download_file/13796 - Tracks 12 & 1

On the first listen, something about this was nagging on me as to why this shouldn't make it. The soundscape being so murky was one thing; seemed purposeful, even if the effects seemed overboard. There was some distortion caused by the piano, briefly around 1:32 and reappearing en masse from 3:20-3:38.

I do like the combination of both sources together, but beyond a certain point, the ideas got old. 2:17's section felt extremely retreadish compared to :41's section. The countermelody was written different, but the rhythms and sounds were basically the same and thus didn't sound much different. Melodic variation would have helped keep this fresh. 3:06's section was a retread of the piano countermelody of :41's section as well.

More variation & development can get this to the promised land. Potential is there.


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The production is overall ok. It's quite a dull soundscape but the instrument samples make it over the bar. The big thing I see lacking in this area is the mixing itself, could definitely sound fuller and more crisp.

The arrangement was a good idea, like Larry I enjoyed the combination of the two sources. However, also like Larry, I think you could've developed it more. There was a lot of repeating of ideas when you could've move the piece in another direction. It's almost 4 minutes long so more variation is key to make it less repetitive and a more interesting arrangement.

I'm with Larry all the way here, more variation and developement. Keep it up!


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I'm not gonna say anything new here unfortunately. Or perhaps fortunately, because what you need to fix should be obvious with three people telling you the same thing. :) The arrangement repeats itself a little much, and could have used a section which took it in a different direction (not just dropping instruments out and keeping the same melody lines). On the production side, it's murky and dull and could use some clarity and crispness. The low-end especially gets crowded.

I did like what you had going on here. The mood was nice, and the combination of instruments was sound. Your writing is good too, you have a good handle on what we're looking for. So don't go overboard rewriting this. Just vary the last minute or so and clean up the production. I'd like to hear another version of this!

NO (resubmit)

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