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Note: I think this is a great piece of music, with some of the best rapping I've heard in a game mix in terms of rhythm and changeups, not to mention the lyrics. The only concern is whether it uses enough of the game music to qualify. I wrote the ReMixer regarding this, here is his response:

The instrumental is from the song called "The Fighter Called to Emergency". This is the selection screen where you choose the level you will fight on. Both of the beats are from the same instrumental but the second one follows the basic tune and is more original.

Because the original BGM is sooo minimal, it does actually "cover" the source material. The decision is this panel's to make as to whether there's enough "there" to pass as an OC ReMix. In other regards, I think it's a highly creative mix that involved some real talent. -djp

Credited to: DJD & CO-2

Game: Herzog Zwei

Rmx name: HerzogFlow

This is my third submission. I made it a while ago and then forgot about it, so when I was about to submit it, I decided to start again from scratch. Im very glad I did because it came out way better than the first time. The beat was made mostly with Project 5 and some fruityloops (I just got Proj 5 and I was still learning bout the program). The vocals were recorded in Cool Edit Pro 2.0. If it will help the judging process at all, click the "song info and lyrics" button if you want the lyrics. The beat was made by me, DJD. The first verse is me, the second and third verse is my friend C0-2, and the last verse is me.

Thanks again for the site!!


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Poor recording.

The rapping is pretty good, but the real question is, "is this a game music remix?".

Its the four same notes again and again. Hell, you could rename this as a chrono trigger 'magus remix' and no one know it was from Herzog Zwei.

I think more has to go on in relation to the original song and game thats more than 4 notes.


Work in an actual 'game remix' into this and resubmit. I really liked it :(


I require PHAT B33TZ in order to survive

First Impressions:

Hey... the voice... it's BLACK! Automatic Yes.

Even though it does repeat the same chords... he does make mentioned of, "Herzog", so... I guess people would recognize it as a Zwei mix.

Losta swearing, which I like. I'm not sure if Pretz wants to keep OverClocked at a "G" rating, but this is rife with... how shall I put it... mother fuckers, as it were.

Yes... bitches must indeed recognize the power of Herzog Zwei.

Lasting Impression:

Damn. Damn. Damn... My first TORN moment. One the one hand, it's rap and not half-bad rap. We seriously have a drought of that in OC. Plus, it's black as hell, and you know... we folk gotta stick together (f33r da black planet)

But on the other hand, Protricity is right. 4 chords. Even on the change-up same four. If DJD & CO-2 didn't mentioend "Herzog Zwei" in the song, who is to say this isn't the Rygar castle theme.

But I gotta go with my gut. They focused on the lyrics which is good. But I think they need to go back and put real effort in putting in some (more) zwei music... even if just as a refrain.

Even I put some of the original in my songs, and I'm notorious for going RipShit with remixes.

No, but with many, many props, for this is indeed the illest joint to cross my path.


Ever noticed how when you try to "sound" black when typing, it just looks goofy? Ok, so that's what I was thinking as I was reading Mr. Wingless's post. BUT, I'm gonna have to agree to pretty much everything that's been said. In fact, I thought it was mistitled and was in fact Magus's theme, but whatever. It's not very complex in that fashion either way you look at it. Anyway, the rapping is indeed tight, though I can't tell that it has much to do with the game, but then again, I have no idea what the game is about. Anyway, I hear notes, not lyrics. 'Cause I'm stupid like that. I think. OK, I'm rambling.




Lyrics start off pretty dumb, but thankfully improve. Rapping is tight, with that dirty gangsta tonal background, though its recording is poor. This would really benefit from a stereo-microphone setup so you could keep it real, yo.

But is this a mix? This is a soliloquy with instrumental chord backing. It would be similar to someone "remixing" the SMetroid continue, Micromachines character select, or any simple chord looping theme by overlayering them with freestyle flows. Makes for a quick hiphop beat to rap by, but without any musical substance.

How about trying this with a more interpretable Herzog theme? This is really not working out as is.


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