Diseased Project Posted February 19, 2009 Posted February 19, 2009 First of all, this is a joke song. Now when that's out of the way... Here's a little something that started out as a drunken idea on last Saturday. Me and my roommate were drinking, and suddenly I figured "hey, how about we do a rap!!?" He thought, okay, and then we just started throwing random ideas (and basslines), while not much thought was given altogether. We did the first two minutes of the song in about twenty minutes, during which I spilt beer on my pants and had to wipe the floor. Afterwards we continued drinking. The next morning I remembered we had done something, and we decided to continue the song. Also, at this point I got the idea of inviting two of my other friends to co-operate. Bare in mind none of the three guys are musicians, I'm barely one myself So, we finished the song during the day and recorded some of the "rap". Unfortunately, because of schedule problems, we couldn't finish the song until now, which was somewhat against my original idea, that was to finish the whole song during hangover. But what can ya do. Let me say this once more, this is a joke song, you can give feedback and comments, you may or may not like it, I don't think I will improve it in anyway, etc etc. It's meant to be a little sucky (just like rap in general HAR HAR j/k)We had fun doing it, I hope you'll have at least a little fun listening to it. The song's in Finnish, but I'll give you the lyrics and the translation. The link: http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/135436/Riihen_iltakaljoittelijat.mp3 Lyrics (and the performers of each line): Verse1: Dise: Morjesta vaan mitä kuuluu teiän iltaan Haaska: Paskaaks täs, aion juua kunnes tilttaan Hyde: Vittu jätkä sul ei oo elämää Haaska: No elä sä rupee siinä lässyttää Hyde: Otakko huikkaa täs ois salmarii Dise: Keittiössä thaikku keittää kalmarii Haaska: Hyi vittu ku on paha haju Hyde: Mut uskosin et ihan vitun hyvä maku Haaska:Oottakaas vähän, pakko mennä kuselle Ihan pienestä kii etten tuu omille housuille No saatana, niin siinä kävi että lirahti Taskussa puhelin vähän pahaan saumaan pirahti Dise:No ei siinä mitään senkut näyttelet vaan Niinku moista ei ois päässyt sattumaankaan Jos joku sanoo et täällä haisee, ookse sinä Niin huuda heti ja kovaa etten ainakaan minä Chorus: Phann:Tänä iltana otamme kaljaa Jauhamme paskaa ja nostamme maljaa kusisella mikillä kusista räppiä huonoa englantia, shittiä, cräppiä Dise:meillä on fiitteinä isoja starboja, hyde, phann ja haaska, perus riihen urpoja Haaska:hei mulla ois sulle vähän askaa tää biisi on ihan silkkaa paskaa Verse 2: Dise:Epäröiden avaan uuden pullon korkin Pillua paljain sormin sorkin Välillä otan pikku huikkaa Korkilla voi heittää vaikka kuikkaa Muija on varsinainen munahaukka Pakoonpääsyyn ei auta edes laukka Hommasta saldona on vain tippuri Hyvä mauste pihivissä on pippuri Hyde: hei, eiks toi oo aika nolo riimi? Dise: älä siinä vittuile ei tää oo kovin iisii Haaska: rauhotu mies, maista vaikka tätä viskii ota suoraan pullosta ni ei tuu tiskii Dise: Olipas hyvää tää taitaa olla kallista Haaska: Paskat, Black velvettii alkon halvinta Dise:No ehkä se ei oo ihan parasta laatua Mut otetaan vielä yhdet ja odotellaan aamua Chorus: Phann:Tänä iltana otamme kaljaa Jauhamme paskaa ja nostamme maljaa kusista räppiä kusisella mikillä biisinkin osat on vedetty repeatilla Dise:meillä on fiitteinä isoja starboja, hyde, phann ja haaska, perus riihen urpoja Haaska:hei mulla ois sulle vähän askaa tää biisi on ihan silkkaa paskaa Verse 3: Phann:hei kaverit, mäkin tulin käymään täällä kuulemma on bileet tänään onks jääkaapissa tilaa, laitan oluet kylmään kenes mikki tää on, antakaa mäkin vähän räppään jou jou, no ei nyt oikein irtoo runosuoli tukossa, otetaas vähänk keittoo sehän tunnetusti saa räpin lähtemään ottaks joku muu, kossu on helvetin hyvää ja kylmääkin vielä, tää riihen parveke on opiskelijan pakastearkun vastine ja siitä puheenollen, voisin hakea oluen monennenkohan, viidennen vai kuudennen no ei kai sil oo välii, tänään juhlitaan ja huomenna krapulapeikon kanssa painitaan (äitis kans) ainii, se räppi, nyt mullois pari juttuu hei mitä vittua, joko tää verse loppu? Chorus: Phann:Tänä iltana otamme kaljaa Jauhamme paskaa ja nostamme maljaa kusisella mikillä kusista räppiä huonoa englantia, shittiä, cräppiä Dise:meillä on fiitteinä isoja starboja, hyde, phann ja haaska, perus riihen urpoja Haaska:hei mulla ois sulle vähän askaa tää biisi on ihan silkkaa paskaa THE ENGLISH TRANSLATION (no effort in making the sentences rhyme) Verse1: Dise: What's up, how's your evening Haaska: I'm excited, I'm going to drink 'til I tilt Hyde: Fuck, man, you have no life Haaska: Don't start talking rubbish Hyde: Do you want a sip, here's salmiac vodka Dise: The thai is cooking squid in the kitchen Haaska: Yuck, what an awful stentch Hyde: But I believe the taste is fucking great Haaska:Wait a second, I gotta take a piss It's only a matter of time before I pee my pants Oh fuck, it happened after all The phone in my pocket rang at a bad time Dise:Don't worry about it, just act like it never happened If someone says "it smells in here, is it you?" Just shout out loud immediately "it ain't me!" Chorus: phann:Tonight we shall drink beer Talk shit and raise our glasses Shitty rap with a shitty mic Bad english, shit and crap Dise:We're featuring big stars Hyde, phann and Haaska Ordinary assholes of Riihi Haaska:Hey I've got something to tell you This song is utter shit Verse2: Dise: In doubt I open up another bottle Prod a pussy with bare fingers Every now and then I take a sip One can throw the bottlecap at a bird, for example The chick is a true cockwhore Even gallop won't help in an escape In the end all there is, is a venereal disease Pepper is a good spice with a steak Hyde: Hey, isn't that rhyme pretty embarassing? Dise: Don't be a prick, this ain't so easy Haaska: Calm down, man, taste this whiskey Straight from the bottle so there won't be any dishes Dise: That was good, it must be expensive Haaska: Fuck no, it's Black Velvet, the cheapest of the store Dise: Well maybe it's not the best brand there is But let's take another one and await the morning Chorus: phann:Tonight we shall drink beer Talk shit and raise our glasses Shitty rap with a shitty mic Even parts of the song are repeated Dise:We're featuring big stars Hyde, phann and Haaska Ordinary assholes of Riihi Haaska:Hey I've got something to tell you This song is utter shit Verse3: Phann: Hey friends, I came to visit too I hear there's a party here Is there any room in the fridge, I'll put my beers in there Whose mic is this, let me rap a little too Yo yo, I can't think of anything right now I'm having a writer's block, let's take some booze It's a well-known fact it makes the rap fly Does someone else want it, the vodka is damn good And cold too, this balcony of Riihi is the substitute of a student's freezer speaking of which, I'll go get a beer I wonder how many I've had, is this the fifth or sixth Well I guess it doesn't matter, tonight we'll party and tomorrow wrestle with a hangover troll (with your mom) oh right, the rap, I've got a few things on my mind now hey what the fuck, is this verse over already? Chorus: phann:Tonight we shall drink beer Talk shit and raise our glasses Shitty rap with a shitty mic Bad english, shit and crap Dise:We're featuring big stars Hyde, phann and Haaska Ordinary assholes of Riihi Haaska:Hey I've got something to tell you This song is utter shit Quote
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