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*NO* Halo 'Edgen's Main Theme' *FT*

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sounds pretty good. can anyone point me the original? i've never played halo...

Heya!! I recently submitted a few of my renditions to the Game HALO and Counter STrike Montage but I was unable to get in touch with DJPretzel about the matter, and I wanted to know if you were able to help me out, or perhaps get the tracks in front of a few judges.

My handle is "edgen"

email is justin@edgen.com

website is: www.edgen.com

first submission was sent on 6.20.03


Alright! Halo! It makes me Xbox-shaped heart smile

First Impression:

nice drum samples. I can hear the theme already. It ain't no rip, so that's always a plus.

My main problem so far is that it's really dancing around the melody... such as it was in the original. What you have here is the choral theme and some of the same chord structures from the title theme. It's wonderfully done, but it's a bit... frail on its own. I believe Protricity would call it a great intro, but nothing much else.

Lasting Impression:

It's good, laddie, I'll give you that. But it just really feels like a glorified intro. Clearly, it builds, it develops, and it certainly captures the timbres and atmosphere of Halo. I just really, really wish there was more.

Beyond that, there really isn't much of the Halo theme in there. So, not only is it a very short song/long intro, it's a borderline original song with Halo whispers.

Halo enthusiasts (myself included) will hate me for voting NO, but I needed more. Alot more. More of the melody, more length in which something (read: anything) is done.

You've got the quality and the ear for composition, no doubts there. But...


I have to agree with Wingless- in alot of ways this is lacking any real sort of form. I'm reminded of "sample demos" that are usually included with orchestral sample cds- they tend have that generic film music quality which is nice ear-candy but it doesn't have much substance.

One problem is that you have this tension building throughout the work, but it never climaxes into anything- instead it slowly dies off into a fairly weak ending with the tam tam.

And considering how short this is right now, it really seems like you could have done more- included some contrasting sections, developed the melodies more, had that climax section etc.

Alot of good stuff here, but it sounds too unfinished at the moment.


it's more like a clip you hear on a menu screen that is put on a loop.

Which is exactly what the original is; bad news for a remix that does the same.

The string flourishes sound like they're going to expand the mix into something more than a brief accompaniment of the chorals, but they're immediately dropped out following more dynamic percussion, just as this began. Like a hamster spinning a wheel.

Develop the melody beyond simple round-trip intervals.


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