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Well, I've been on a bad streak with music for...some time now. I got tired of not writing anything, so I asked a friend to paint me a picture to model a track after. He gave me a scene of a snow-topped mountain serenely looking over the clouds, with friendly blues seas shining underneath.

At first, I didn't think I'd be able to produce anything to that caliber, but I've gone and surprised myself. Now, the track isn't finished, but I'd like to hear some opinions on it.

What I want most is to know if you, the listener, at least get somewhat of that picture in your minds eye when you listen to the track.

Happy listening! :D


Update #1


Yes...updates, they're awesome. Even though I just posted this thread a few hours ago. >.>

Anyways, I feel that I should add that most everything I write is meant to fit in a video game. So, keep that in mind as you listen to this update.

One thing I'm unsure of with this update is the last "string only" section. So I'm wondering if I should continue with building/progressing the second section (you'll hear it for sure), or if I should keep the last section and keep going in that direction.

I realize that my orchestration skills aren't amazingly awesome or anything, so be nice. >.> xD

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