Liontamer Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 Hello! From TaylorMicha * Your ReMixer name: TaylorMicha * Your real name: Joshua Luke * Your email address: Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged: Tales Of Symphonia * Name of individual song(s) arranged: Lloyd's Theme * Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site): For the Nintendo GameCube, by Namco * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. I thought of this, not surprisingly, sitting on the beach, with one earphone in, and listening to mp3's on my mobile phone, when Lloyd's theme came on, I thought how nice it sounds with the sea in the background, so sure enough I dusted of the Piano, removed all of my brothers possesions from under the cover (>) and got to work, Sure compared to some of the WONDERFUL remixes on oCRemix it doesn't sound like much, but its my first "remix" and my first ever submission, so I poured a lot of time into it, to get it sounding just as I liked, I used a very old piano we have in the house, which ive just had serviced, as it was terribly out of tune, I remastered it on the computer to give a bit more life to it, especially the lows, and put it some nice effects, chopped it, and changed it a LOT! I had to rerecord it several times, over the course of the 2 weeks it took to finish this little track, I listen all the time to the great mixes on this site, especially FF7 VotL I thought id have a try myself! And besides, one of my favorite games of recent years is Tales of Symphonia, so its only fitting my first submission is from that Happy remixing, TaylorMicha --------------------------------------------------------------- Give the mix a creative title. This ain't gonna do it! Tales of Symphonia Original Soundtrack - (104) "Lloyd" Lovely atmosphere, with a nice melancholy piano. Unfortunately, the ocean SFX sounds pretty pasted in; didn't even sound stereo. See what you can do to make it fit the soundscape more. At :56, the arrangement just loops. Anyway, I paneled it because it's lovely, but there's little interpretation to speak of beyond adapting the piece for piano. 3 loops and it's over. That not gonna get it done either! Needs more everything! Get more interpretive and develop the arrangement into something unique compared to the original. NO
Palpable Posted March 23, 2009 Posted March 23, 2009 Little known fact: the original name for this website was "Lloyd's 'The Remix'" until early site heroes AmIEvil and Joe Redifer convinced djpretzel that the name should be more universal and not focused on Dave's last name. True story. Great effects on the piano, Joshua. Along with the water effects, it sounds like it's being played underwater. It really is a beautiful piece; nice left-hand alterations in the first section. But the rest of it is a little too similar to the original, and three repetitions of the theme is too much, so I don't think it checks out for OCR. Sorry. Even if you decide not to try another version (which would need some significant changes), I'd stick this in a WIP thread or something so that people can check it out. NO
anosou Posted March 31, 2009 Posted March 31, 2009 Little known fact: the original name for this website was "Lloyd's 'The Remix'" until early site heroes AmIEvil and Joe Redifer convinced djpretzel that the name should be more universal and not focused on Dave's last name. True story Hehehehehehehehehehe Emotive piece, very pretty. Still, it's a bit too close to the source and should develop more without repeating. I for one did not enjoy the effects on the piano because I thought it lost focus in a way that made it muddy. The ocean effects sounds a bit pasted on but it shows your concept which is good, perhaps use it as an intro/outro? This needs to be developed more in terms of interpretation of the source and relying less on the effects for the mood. Check out the WIP-forums and #ocrwip on, good luck! NO
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