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Phantasy Star Portable


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Anyone get this game yet? It's (apparently) a PSP adaptation of the sequel to Phantasy Star Universe. The last PSO game I played was Episode I & II for Gamecube, so I decided to pick this up on a whim. I gotta say, I've been having a blast so far. The music is strong (in general), there is just a massive wealth of content in terms of items, the skills are varied, and it's easy enough to level up. Plus, the story is at least halfway-decent and there are actual plot events, rather than the original PSO, where there wasn't much of anything.

Character customization is pretty intense and you can even change classes (but not races) if the conditions are right. This makes it easy to experiment with lots of different fighting styles. My character is a Human Ranger/Gunmaster, so he focuses mainly on ranged fighting, but uses some magic and melee as well. Plus, he's black, has an afro, and is named Rufus, so that's always fun. The party system is solid too - you can invite almost any NPC you meet to your party, OR go solo, enabling you to mix and match combat types to your liking. I prefer using mostly females :<

My only gripe is that there is no true online multiplayer. You can play local games, but that requires someone else with a PSP and Phantasy Star Portable. What are the chances of that? For me, zero, unless I go to Otakon or something. It would have been nice if the game actually connected to the 'net since the PSP is capable of that.

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My only gripe is that there is no true online multiplayer. You can play local games, but that requires someone else with a PSP and Phantasy Star Portable. What are the chances of that? For me, zero, unless I go to Otakon or something. It would have been nice if the game actually connected to the 'net since the PSP is capable of that.

I acquired it on release day and have a little over 100 hours on my character so far. If you want to play online with people, there are two ways of doing it: With a compatible wifi card/dongle & Xlink Kai, or with a PS3 & Ad-Hoc Party. I bought a Wifi Max dongle a while ago just for games like this, and I've been having a blast.

The thing that makes me mad about this game is that they took out the DLC option that was in the japanese version >:\. Sure, they put in some of the dlc-only drops, but it's still missing the missions and bosses :(.

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I don't have a PS3 - could you elaborate more on the wifi card/dongle solution? I found stuff like this;


But what do you do with it? Do I need some sort of other software/hardware or mods for the PSP?

No mods needed, which is nice. All you have to do is set your Ad-Hoc channel to 1 and you're pretty much done on the PSP end.

There are a few guides on the Xlink Kai forums that are pretty in-depth on which wifi cards/dongles work and how to get them working on Windows XP and/or Vista. I'll be editing this post with relevant information shortly.




These two dongles are 100% supported by Xlink Kai. If you want to get either one, then you shouldn't have any problems getting them to work :D. The problem with Wifi Link & Wifi Max these days is that their hardware has changed, so you'd be taking a chance if you bought one of those now.


If you already have a Wifi card/dongle, you can try looking here to see if it'll work with Xlink Kai.

Compatible Network Cards / USB adapters for PSP and Kai

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I don't have a PSP. But I'm hoping to get one for my B-Day coming up pretty soon. Phantasy Star Portable is one of the games I'm wanting to buy. I've been playing PSU since it first came out. It's got a few problems, but I would say that, in most cases, it's a better game overall than PSO was. The PC/PS2 PSU community is unfortunately dwindling, and it'd be great to get some more players on there.

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