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Newb with a question!


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Yes yes yes, I saw the newbie entrance thread; may hop over there shortly. I had a more direct question, however! (I did some searching through the threads, but apparently fail horribly because I didn't find an answer.)

See, I've been kicking around the idea of doing some short videos with video from LotRO(Lord of the Rings Online, for the unknowing), and actually already made one. Thing is I'd like to use songs off of OCRemix (Because what better type of music to use as a sound track to a VIDEO GAME VIDEO than video game music?); but I recently realized that I was unclear if it was OKAY to do so. (Read: Friend and I were dicussing Warner making Youtube pull videos for using copyrighted music, asked if mine was okay, said pretty sure, went to check, can't figure it out. :x)

So basically I'm asking: "In making a video where I use an OCRemix song as the soundtrack; is giving proper credit at the end ENOUGH? Do I need to contact the induvial Remixers, or should I not even bother and go yank my video now?"

Thanks in advance!

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There used to be something on the site about this sort of thing, but I can't find it. Either it's been taken down or I'm going senile...

Short version: if you're using music from OCRemix, makes sure you give credit. Make sure you include the remix title, the remixer's name, and "www.ocremix.org". What you want to do is make sure that you're not implicitly taking credit for the song (ie make sure people know you got it from somewhere else, rather than making it yourself), and make sure they can get back to OCRemix if they like what they hear.

If you're looking for official "I have permission from the artist to use this song for this purpose", though, you need to get in touch with the individual remixers.

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