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OCR01097 - *YES* Final Fantasy 6 'Umaro Uematsu'


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From Quinn Fox.

I foolishly said that I wouldn't submit any more Final Fantasy stuff, but who can deny the great source material? Yet again, Final Fantasy VI takes over my hobby. It's Umaro's theme in a fast, quirky, synth-rock style, with lots of additions. I tried not to get pretentious with this, but aimed for just having some fun, and giving the listener a crazy picture of Umaro.

Umaro Uematsu - Final Fantasy 6



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey! this is pretty fun!

I like the rock drum variation. like the use of instruments. There are a few mastering issues that could be better.. volume issues mostly.

Its very moving. Guitar sounds fake, but works. Reverb is a little heavy.

Really like the drums.

Pretty borderline, but I'm going with yes because its not short and does what it is meant to do.


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It's a shame quinn has been on a hiatus for a while now and most likely will continue to be. This is almost a year old, yet I think has stood the test of time quite well. I never felt this was Qiunn's best compared to his recent 2 OC postings, but then again those were amazing. However, this has always been an immensely enjoyable mix and still is.

Nice instrument selection that conveys the fun mood perfectly. Like some of his past mixes, a little too much reverb...but that's a personal issue.

But really, there's no denying how fun this mix is.


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Quinn Fox's last two submissions had come a long way from his older ones in terms of production, so it's definitely disheartening to take a step backwards and hear a dated recording job. As the mix goes on it becomes progressively easier to accept the ridiculous reverb (which I assume is partly cover a la N64 fog), yet it pains me that this arrangement would be so much more enjoyable without it. As it stands, it still makes the cut.


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I've got this great idea for a Guardian Legend mix that I haven't submitted yet. Why? Because the quality isn't where I'd like it to be. I'd say, find something that's more where you'd like your calibre to be at the moment, submit that, then touch up this one when you CAN, then resubmit. I don't see this "It's a shame to turn this down" logic, when if it's not your best, or not exactly how you would have liked it to sound, it shouldn't have been submitted in the first place.

And I see what vig is talking about with the sound quality. It does sound very distant. I'd like to hear a better version as well. One that sounds like it's playing through my headphones and not through a loose connection. That all being said:



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