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Ack, those notes at the beginning hit me the wrong way. Probably cause they aren't the same as the original. Some clashing.

Yay.. drumloop...

Melody is VERY poor around the 1 minute mark. Theres a middle section where nothing happens except another drumloop and some sfx.

This song has nothing to offer beyond those already on this site, except a few notes off the mark.

Try for your own percussion next time :)



This is a hard one. The beat was good, but it is a loop. There is also quite a lot of distortion/clipping that I could hear throught the mix. It is repetitve, but quite entertaining. I can see this being liked by quite a few, I've given a lot of no's today and I'm feeling controversial.



the first half repeats...and i agree with prot about the bad notes. kind of akward.

the interlude is okay, but the drums stand out at this point as being particularly low quality.

the ending is weak.

there is really just a lot of repetition.



Groove oriented mix with an identity problem.

Several parts of it are so disjointed from each other, I'm not sure what to think. Some of it is extremely well put together, some of it just sounds generic. There's no cohesion.

I do like the concept in all here, but the execution is just lacking.

The intro gated pad for example, nice if not becoming overused concept, just fades in. Then something else fades in with a completely different feel. Very disjointed for me.

I do like the concept, but it needs more fleshing out and polishing. Make the mix integrate better. I agree that this is an entertaining mix, but it misses the mark a bit. A nice, fun effort though. I'm keeping this for myself.

I suggest you post this on the OCR WIP/Completed, if you haven't already.



I'm pretty borderline, but in the end I agree with GL that this is just too disjointed for it's own good. Plus, it really doesn't bring anything particularly new to the mix that hasn't been done before- actually, during the first minute or so I kept thinking that I might have heard this mix already since it sounded so darn similar to many existing W&W mixes.

I rather enjoyed the little change up a minute or so into the piece, but otherwise it's a bit too straightforward and a bit too reliant on the drum loops.


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