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*NO* Guardian Legend 'Password Entry (TGL Pass Mix)'

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This sounds good, unfortunately it is missing something. Like a real melody. This is comprised mostly of just beat, and would be great for background music when there is a game demo or something, but to listen to on it's own is rather boring.

A lot of repetition and no real focus makes this a


  • 2 weeks later...

To quote Guys and Dolls

If my heart were a bell it'd go Ding Dong Ding Dong Ding.

That's when I found out there was a TGL mix in the fray. So perhaps my expectations were in odd places.

To be fair, the original is quite short and repetative... but I don't think that gives you liscence to do the same. In fact, it gives you all the more reason to really break some new ground and test your creative waters. I don't hear these things in this piece. At least, not in any truly spectacular way.

The password theme has given you about four measures of clay to work with. Mold it into something amazing.



Fairly cut and dry. I agree with the other comments. This is repetition and unintentional redundancy to the point that nothing stands out. It's way too long a mix for something this repetitive.

I would also suggest putting greater importance in the lead and melody. It is definitely lost in the mix in an unappealing way. Aside from what already has been mentioned, there isn't much wrong here. It has some nice moments that are lessened by the flaws mentioned above and by other judges. More attention needs to be paid to the ending also as what's here is pretty unfulfilling.

Decent mix that's lacking several things.


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