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*NO* Mega Man 2 'Time 4 Sum Bubble Bursting'

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Please dont hate on me for sending this again. I didn't get a confirmation last time so I am very worried. So here is the link

If this makes it, can you please change the artist name to DjBliziHiZaKe. That is what I want it under. Thanks...I hope this isnt a waste of time. It is originally xXoDiAx which is my OCR name.


This is a mixed bag. The intro was quite good. I love long drawn out intros. However after that, it went downhill. Once it got to the fast section, the transition to that was quite disjointed. It almost felt like it was two different songs being blended together. Once in the fast sections, from halfway until the end, the speed up is very unnatural. It feels like it was sped up too much. It feels very awkward.

Very nice ideas and instrumentation here, especially in the intro. However after the intro it simply went downhill in execution. Ending is decent. There's also a loud, annoying click/pop sound at the end (4:06).

I hope to hear more from you in the future as you certainly have talent, now go and work on polishing it up. I don't think this will cut it though, so



intro was incredibly long, which wouldn't be so bad if it led into a song that seemed to fit the intro. And not to be too picky, but around 1:30, you've mixed the bubble man riffs in their key along with the major keyed intro, which doesn't really sound pretty. I like the intro, but it doesn't really lead into the song you're doing. Sounds like you wanted to include this cool intro in the remix and just fit it in the best you could.

The other problem is, as I see it, the main body of the song seems less thought complete than the intro did. It's interesting and jarring. I think we get through the melody once in entirety before it ends though, which seems like not enough compared to the long intro.

All in all, I think this one is gonna be a


from me.

On a note that reflects my personal opinion more than objectivity, the style of the main body of this song was so jarring that it was unenjoyable and seemed more like "how many ways can I chop this song up?" than "how can I interpret this song in a cool and aurally pleasing fashion?"



i hear what dan is saying about the conflicting keys...

wow. the orchestra stabs are really ugly. you need some new sounds.

the remix is really jarring and quite ugly, although you have some very interesting rhythmic play going on. it needs better sounds, some reverb, and perhaps some soft pads. who knows. the ending is half assed, and the remix never really escalates at all.

the intro is great, but the intro isnt a remix. chop off the remix, develop the intro and call it an original.

the remix attached just isnt that listenable.



I loved the intro. And sad to say, I love discord, intentional or not (see also: Teardrinker). While there are some technical pimples in this piece, I really like it as a whole. I'm loathe to say I like it warts and all, because the faults of this piece are glaring and hard to mother. But there's this charm and novelty to the overall piece that's hard to ignore, as well.

Congrats! My first torn decision in a long, long time.

Considering the number of yes's to no's. I'm going to vote yes, on the grounds that, if the next person doesn't agree with me, he'll have his way, regardless of what I think. But if somebody else thinks there's something of merit in this, the chain letter can keep going on.


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