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ReMixer name = Richard J Durand

real name = Richard Suru

email address = savetara@hotmail.com

website = www.save-tara.com

Name of game(s) arranged = Final Fantasy 6

Name of individual song(s) arranged = Terra's Theme


Watch the filesize. We have a 192kbps bitrate ceiling.

http://snesmusic.org/v2/download.php?spcNow=ff6 - "Tina" (ff6-201.spc)

Interesting approach. Dynamically, this hit second gear at :37 and that was about as intense as it ever got. Texturally, this really could have been more interesting, though I liked the vox.

The woodwind lead at :48 didn't quite mesh with the other instrumentation, IMO, but we'll see what the others thought. The arrangement was pretty subdued and did change the mood compared to the original, but there wasn't much melodic interpretation overall, so the arrangement approach felt bland and repetitive as a result. Gimme some more melodic interpretation & variation to really show what you can do.

NO (resubmit)


Had no problem with the.. eh.. it is an oboe isn't it? Anyway, I had no problem with it's place in the soundscape. The strings have the same slow attack all the time, this really hurts when they play the melody for example at :24. The samples didn't sound bad at all quality-wise but you could've used them better. Production was clean and loud enough though, nice work there.

You take close to no liberties with the source and the arrangement is very static without much hint of developement. This lead to the piece feeling dull and repetetive.

Evolve your ideas some more, really arrange the source, and you'll be in much better shape.



I definitely like the approach of shifting the rhythm of the melody, it gives it a pretty different feel. This is also a lot calmer, a nice mood. It would have been nice to add a little bit of change to the melody, because it is the real focus and the original notes are still intact, if shifted. The big problem here was that it repeated ideas a lot and could have been more interesting texturally, like Larry pointed out.

The production is pretty good, but some more detail in articulations would improve the piece. The string attacks are slow, and I felt like the oboe and bass played staticly. That's the kind of thing that might not have been noticeable if the melodies were altered each repetition.

I like it so far, but it needs some more work before it's over the bar. Keep trying, Richard.

NO (resubmit)

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